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A tomcat plugin, let you insight nested template's fragment hierarchy at a glance


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(p.s. the page-debugging-1.5.3.jar under dir /dist can be used to Tomcat 8 and Java 8 environment. But you should ensure the used aspectjrt.jar / aspectjweaver.jar correspond to the Java version.)


Current site pages are always divided into many nested page fragments. These page fragments improved code re-usability, but meantime which also made it more difficult for a web developer to find the right fragment file to modify. Now this tool make the finding clear at a glance.


This tool’s functions can be simply described as follows:

###Before using the tool, before using page-debugging

###After using the tool (i.e. append pageDebugging=on to current url), after using page-debugging

As you see, the included files are traced with <!—[_debugging code_] - start --> and <!-- [_debugging code_] - end -->, so you can easily find the right fragment files.

p.s. debugging code format is: ‘L’ + [level number] + ‘#’ + [sequence number] + ‘:’ + [file name], so you can get these info from it:

a) The path name of an included file
b) Begin and end points of an included file
c) Level of an included file in current page structure

Technical Principles

Use the aspect technology to insert a HTML comment (tracking code) at begin and end of the output content when the web container or template engine includes a page fragment.

Supports Tomcat 6.0+, JBoss-Web 2, Freemarker 2+ and Velocity 1.5/1.7

Installation & Configuration

####1. Let AspactJ have a chance to intercept JVM's class loading

a) Ensure aspectjweaver.jar is on your machine;
b) Add JVM argument: -javaagent:[pathto]\aspectjweaver.jar

If you're using eclipse with the tomcat plugin, you can do it like this:
configure jvm arguments in eclipse

####2. setup tomcat and your application

a) Place page-debugging.jar and aspectjrt.jar under dir [tomcat home]\lib
b) Configure a customized class loader for your app on tomcat's server.xml, to ensure some page-debugging-tool classes used by app indirectly can be loaded with the same class loader as your app from page-debugging.jar;
c) Add a listener class (a tomcat valve) to runtime environment, so you can turn on/off this tool as you expected:

configure tomcat server.xml (lite)

valve: tml.pagedebugging.PageDebuggingValve
class loader: tml.pagedebugging.classloader.BridgedClassLoader

####3. Then, you can turn on/off this tool by appending pageDebugging=true/on or pageDebugging=false/off to current page URL.

ps: switch status info will be kept during your current session.

Tips 1: pls cleanup tomcat working cache before firstly using it.
Tips 2: don't forget enable show comments at tab HTML when you use Firebug to view the page source.


Q1: How to resolve if name conflict occurred with the default debugging switch key name pageDebugging?
A1: You can specify a new debugging switch key name by appending JVM argument:
-DpageDebugging.switchKey=[new debugging switch key name]

Q2: If I want to specify some files or dirs not to be tracked, can I? How?
A2: Yes, you can. By default all files under /WEB-INF/tags/ (include its sub dirs). If your requirement is different, you can change it by appending one more JVM argument like below:
-DpageDebugging.excluded=”foo/bar/, tttt.txt”
-DpageDebugging.excluded_append:“foo/bar/, tttt.txt”


  1. Please use ‘,’ or ‘;’ to split these files or dirs.
  2. ‘append:’ means append to current item list.
  3. Don’t worry about the redundant whitespaces between them.

Q3: As we know, the switch status info was kept into the user current session. But if we need to change it only in a request life scope, can we? How?
A3: Yes, we can. Append req_pageDebugging=on/off to the url, then you can change the configuration temporarily, and the configuration in the session will be kept unchanged.

@author: Minglei Tu ([email protected])
Licensing conditions (BSD-style) can be found in LICENSE.txt.

Q4: I use eclipse 'Run', instead of that tomcat plugin, to run tomcat. This way should also be ok, right? But, after I setup jvm parameters and server.xml as guide above, it doesn't work. Why?

configure eclipse 'Run' tomcat

A4: Well, maybe eclipse didn't use the tomcat server.xml you configured. Pls check the tomcat installation directory you specified in "Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments", and ensure the server.xml was modified as expected.

Page-Debugging 用户指南

(注: dist 目录下的 page-debugging-1.5.3.jar 可以用于 Tomcat 8 和 Java 8 环境,但是要确保所使用的 aspectjrt.jar / aspectjweaver.jar 和运行时 Java 版本相匹配。)


现在系统的 Web 页面多半由层层嵌套的页面片段组合合成。这些页面片段在提高代码重用性的同时,也增加了文件查找的困难。这个小工具让这个查找过程简单直观。


Page-Debugging 的功能可简述如下:

####在使用这个工具之前,页面 html 代码是这样的,
before using page-debugging

####但是在使用了这个工具 (在当前 url 后面添加参数pageDebugging=on) 之后,
after using page-debugging

你看,现在的 html 代码多了些<!—[debugging code] - start --><!-- [debugging code] - end -->之类的注释。这样一来,你所关心的某块页面内容产生于哪个页面文件就一目了然了。

注:debugging code 的格式是:‘L’ + [层号] + ‘#’ + [序列号] + ‘:’ + [文件名],所以你可以从中获得以下信息:

a) 所包含文件的路径
b) 文件输出内容的起止
c) 这个文件被嵌在当前页面的哪一层


使用 AspectJ 技术,在web容器或者模板引起包含(include)一个页面文件的时候,在该文件输出内容的头尾插入了用于追踪的debugging code。

支持 Tomcat 6.0 以上,JBoss-Web 2, Freemarker 2 以上以及 Velocity 1.5/1.7


####1. 让 AspectJ 有机会拦截虚拟机的类加载

a) 确保你机器上有 aspectjweaver.jar
b) 添加 JVM 参数: -javaagent:[pathto]\aspectjweaver.jar

如果你是用 Eclipse 加上那个 Tomcat 插件来开发的,那你可以像这样来做:
configure jvm arguments in eclipse

####2. 配置 Tomcat 和你的应用

a) 把 page-debugging.jaraspectjrt.jar 放到 “[tomcat安装目录]\lib” 下;
b) 给你的应用配置一个定制的 class loader,这样你应用间接用的 page debugging tool 相关的代码可以被你应用的 class loader 加载,从page-debugging.jar (别忘了,page-debugging.jar已经被部署到了: [tomcat_home]\lib);
c) 在 Tomcat Server.xml 中配上一个用作开关的监听器(Valve),

configure tomcat server.xml (lite)

valve: tml.pagedebugging.PageDebuggingValve
class loader: tml.pagedebugging.classloader.BridgedClassLoader

####3. 现在,我们就可以通过在当前 url 后面添加 pageDebugging=true/on 或者 pageDebugging=false/off参数来打开/关闭 page debugging 功能了。

注:上述配置信息是保存在用户当前 session 里的。

提示1:初次使用之前,最好清一下 Tomcat 缓存,这样所有的 jsp 都会重新编译。
提示2:如果你是通过 Firebug 来看页面源码,要记得打开 HTML 标签下的 '显示注释' 开关。


Q1: 如果pageDebugging参数名不巧已被占用了,怎么办?
-DpageDebugging.switchKey=[new debugging switch key name]

**Q2:**我可以指定某些文件或目录不被 track 吗?
**A2:**可以的。默认情况下,/WEB-INF/tags/目录(包括子目录)下的文件都不会被 track。你可以通过以下方式改写或追加:
-DpageDebugging.excluded=”foo/bar/, tttt.txt”
-DpageDebugging.excluded_append:“foo/bar/, tttt.txt”


  1. 请用英文逗号(,)或分号(;)来分隔;
  2. ‘append:’表示追加
  3. 不用担心多余的空格,page debugging 会抹掉它们的

**Q3:**如前所述,开关状态信息是保存在 session 里面的。但是如果我只想在某一个 request 里面临时的改变一下开关,能办到吗?
**A3:**可以办到。把req_pageDebugging=on/off添加到url,你就可以临时的改变一下开关状态,而保存在 session 里的开关信息不受影响。

Q4: 我没有用那个 eclipse tomcat 插件,而是直接用的 eclipse “Run”,这样应该也是可以的吧?但是我按上面说的那样配置好了 jvm 参数 和 server.xml,好像不起作用啊。

configure eclipse 'Run' tomcat

A4: 有可能 eclipse 没有使用你配好的那个 server.xml。请检查一下你在 “选项 > 服务器 > 运行环境” 里指定的那个 tomcat 安装目录,确保那个 server.xml 文件已经按我们期望的那样做了修改。

作者: 涂名雷 ([email protected])
Licensing conditions (BSD-style) can be found in LICENSE.txt.


A tomcat plugin, let you insight nested template's fragment hierarchy at a glance








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