This Java project parses a logical expression with words as atoms to create a search query for a given set of files and in prints the files which satisfy the expression. It also prints the td-idf of every word in the expression.
These instructions will
The only prerequisite is the Java Developement Kit (JDK), which is installed automatically by the build script if you're running Ubuntu by running:
apt install jdk
And, of course, you need to install git to clone the repository:
apt install git
First clone the repository:
git clone
Then cd into it and run the build script:
cd cld-search-engine
Give a list of the files you wish to query as arguments then enter expressions to be evaluated. You can stop by entering an empty line.
./ file1 file2 file3
cat && !dog
No matches found!
You can run the application on some test data by passing the argument -t
./ -t
Following matches found:
~~~~~ Td-idf table ~~~~~
Document: ./documente_problema/doc02.txt
brilliant 2.995732273553991