Path-Tracing project for a Computer Graphics class.
- Path tracing:
- Path is extended randomly at each intersection based on the BRDF.
- At each path vertex, a light is randomly sampled and its contribution is weighted using MIS.
- Spectral path-tracing, mainly using the techniques from PBRTv4.
- Scenes are loaded using PBRTv4's format
- Many shapes, texture types etc are not supported
- Ray-tracing using Intel's Embree library.
- Support for multiple shapes: triangles and spheres.
- A few BxDFs are implemented:
- Diffuse BRDF
- Smooth and rough conductor (metal) BRDFs
- Smooth dielectric BSDF
- Smooth and rough plastic BRDFs
- Simple analytic 2-layer material
- Support for bitmap textures.
- Environment map lighting with importance sampling.
- The renders are saved in HDR using the EXR file format.
This scene was made by Angelo Ferretti.
This scene was made by Laubwerk
All scenes shown below were taken from Benedikt Bitterli's Rendering Resources.