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Cypher for Apache Spark brings the leading graph query language, Cypher, onto the leading distributed processing platform, Spark.


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CAPS: Cypher for Apache Spark

CAPS extends Apache Spark™ with Cypher, the industry's most widely used property graph query language defined and maintained by the openCypher project. It allows for the integration of many data sources and supports multiple graph querying. It enables you to use your Spark cluster to run analytical graph queries. Queries can also return graphs to create processing pipelines.

Intended audience

CAPS allows you to develop complex processing pipelines orchestrated by a powerful and expressive high-level language. In addition to developers and big data integration specialists, CAPS is also of practical use to data scientists, offering tools allowing for disparate data sources to be integrated into a single graph. From this graph, queries can extract subgraphs of interest into new result graphs, which can be conveniently exported for further processing.

CAPS builds on the Spark SQL DataFrame API, offering integration with standard Spark SQL processing and also allows integration with GraphX. To learn more about this, please see our examples.

Current status: Pre-release

The functionality and APIs are stabilizing but surface changes (e.g. to the Cypher syntax and semantics for multiple graph processing and graph projections/construction) are still likely to occur. We invite you to try out the project, and we welcome feedback and contributions.

If you are interested in contributing to the project we would love to hear from you; email us at [email protected] or just raise a PR. Please note that this is an openCypher project and contributions can only be accepted if you’ve agreed to the openCypher Contributors Agreement (oCCA).


A preview of the documentation for Morpheus, which is a commercially supported version of CAPS, is available from Neo4j.

CAPS Features

CAPS is built on top of the Spark DataFrame API and uses features such as the Catalyst optimizer. The Spark representations are accessible and can be converted to representations that integrate with other Spark libraries.

CAPS supports a subset of Cypher and is the first implementation of multiple graphs and graph query compositionality.

CAPS currently supports importing graphs from both Neo4j and from custom CSV format in HDFS and local file system. CAPS has a data source API that allows you to plug in custom data importers for external graphs.

CAPS Roadmap

CAPS is under rapid development and we are planning to offer support for:

  • a large subset of the Cypher language
  • new Cypher Multiple Graph features
  • integration with Spark SQL
  • injection of custom graph data sources

Spark Project Improvement Proposal

Currently CAPS is a third-party add-on to the Spark ecosystem. We, however, believe that property graphs and graph processing has the potential to be come a vital part of data analytics. We are thus working, in cooperation with Databricks, on making CAPS a core part of Spark. The first step on this road is the specification of a PropertyGraph API, similar to SQL and Dataframes, along with porting Cypher 9 features of CAPS to the core Spark project in a so called Spark Project Improvement Proposal (SPIP).

We are currently in the second phase of this process, after having successfully passed the vote for inclusion into Apache Spark 3.0. The SPIP describing the motivation and goals is published here SPARK-25994. Additionally SPARK-26028 proposes an API design and implementation strategies.

Get started with CAPS

CAPS is currently easiest to use with Scala. Below we explain how you can import a simple graph and run a Cypher query on it.

Building CAPS

CAPS is built using Gradle

./gradlew build

Add the CAPS dependency to your project

In order to use CAPS add the following dependency:




libraryDependencies += "org.opencypher" % "spark-cypher" % "0.3.0"

Remember to add fork in run := true in your build.sbt for scala projects; this is not CAPS specific, but a quirk of spark execution that will help prevent problems.

Hello CAPS

Cypher is based on the property graph data model, comprising labelled nodes and typed relationships, with a relationship either connecting two nodes, or forming a self-loop on a single node. Both nodes and relationships are uniquely identified by an ID (in CAPS this is of type Long), and contain a set of properties.

The following example shows how to convert a social network represented as Scala case classes to a PropertyGraph representation. The PropertyGraph representation is internally transformed into Spark data frames. If you have existing data frames which you would like to treat as a graph, have a look at our DataFrameInputExample.

Once the property graph is constructed, it supports Cypher queries via its cypher method.

import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.opencypher.spark.api.CAPSSession
import{CAPSNodeTable, CAPSRelationshipTable}

  * Demonstrates basic usage of the CAPS API by loading an example graph from [[DataFrame]]s.
object DataFrameInputExample extends App {
  // 1) Create CAPS session and retrieve Spark session
  implicit val session: CAPSSession = CAPSSession.local()
  val spark = session.sparkSession

  import spark.sqlContext.implicits._

  // 2) Generate some DataFrames that we'd like to interpret as a property graph.
  val nodesDF = spark.createDataset(Seq(
    (0L, "Alice", 42L),
    (1L, "Bob", 23L),
    (2L, "Eve", 84L)
  )).toDF("id", "name", "age")
  val relsDF = spark.createDataset(Seq(
    (0L, 0L, 1L, "23/01/1987"),
    (1L, 1L, 2L, "12/12/2009")
  )).toDF("id", "source", "target", "since")

  // 3) Generate node- and relationship tables that wrap the DataFrames. The mapping between graph entities and columns
  //    is derived using naming conventions for identifier columns.
  val personTable = CAPSNodeTable(Set("Person"), nodesDF)
  val friendsTable = CAPSRelationshipTable("KNOWS", relsDF)

  // 4) Create property graph from graph scans
  val graph = session.readFrom(personTable, friendsTable)

  // 5) Execute Cypher query and print results
  val result = graph.cypher("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN")

  // 6) Collect results into string by selecting a specific column.
  //    This operation may be very expensive as it materializes results locally.
  val names: Set[String] = result.records.table.df.collect().map(_.getAs[String]("n_name")).toSet


The above program prints:

Set(Alice, Bob, Eve)

More examples, including multiple graph features, can be found in the examples module.

Run example Scala apps via command line

You can use Gradle to run a specific Scala application from command line. For example, to run the CaseClassExample within the spark-cypher-examples module, we just call:

./gradlew spark-cypher-examples:runApp -PmainClass=org.opencypher.spark.examples.CaseClassExample

Loading CSV Data

See the documentation in, which specifies how to structure the CSV and the schema mappings that describe the graph structure for the underlying data.

Next steps

How to contribute

We would love to find out about any issues you encounter and are happy to accept contributions following a Contributors License Agreement (CLA) signature as per the process outlined in our contribution guidelines.


The project is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0, with an extended attribution notice as described in the license header.


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Apache Spark™, Spark, and Apache are registered trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.


Cypher for Apache Spark brings the leading graph query language, Cypher, onto the leading distributed processing platform, Spark.







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