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advanced logging

tobiasfaust edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

###standard logging for standard logging puposes you can use the "webserial" versions. As long as the esp connected to wifi logmessages are accessible under /webserial, linked at status page.

###advanced logging in case of problems with wifi connection failures, randomly network disconnects or other depper problems the webserial version will not help. In this case you need an additional ESP8266 which works as transparent bridge for the serial monitor.

  1. go to,
  2. flash esp-link on your ESP8266 (now named as ESPLink), check the esp-link readme as HowTo
  3. start your ESPLink
  4. connect to the new ESP-Accesspoint
  5. got to
  6. configure your ESPLink it via webfrontend:
    1. enable STA-Mode and connect it with your local WLAN (Page: Wifi-Station)
    2. select Pin Assignment -> preset: ESP12-swapped (page: Home)
  7. check your Router to figure out the new ESPLink ip address
  8. wire your ESPLink to your ModbusGateway like this:
Pin ModbusGateway ESPLink
RX GPIO-1 (TX0) GPIO-13 (RX0)
TX GPIO-3 (RX0) GPIO-15 (TX0)
3.3V 3V3 3V3

Go to your ESPLink webpage , uc-Console, check Baud: 115200 and enjoy your ModbusGateway Log