Sample APP - Qt 5.7+ - Android iOS PC and other platforms
This is not a real-life app - this app only demonstrates the use of Material style and new Qt Quick Controls 2
The topics of this second sample app:
- more Qt Quick Controls 2 stuff: Buttons (Raised Buttons and Flat Buttons)
- Navigation with StackView: pop(), push(), find()
- go up and down page-by-page or jump back/force
- Navigation with Android bottom Back-key
- navigation with Android Back Button in Titlebar (ToolBar)
- Navigation with Buttons and Floating Action Button
- Navigation with Shortcut (physical keyboard attached)
- Management of StackView to implement business-logic - simplified with init() and cleanup() functions
- Dark Theme and selecting primary and accent color from options menu in ToolBar
Strings are marked as translatable, but not translated yet. See the first app to learn about i18n.
This second sample app is a simple app only to demonstrate navigation through stacked pages
This app needs Qt 5.7 RC or greater
Images downloaded from - then renamed to match Qt High DPI images- and project-specific- naming
This sample app uses Material Design with UI Controls provided by Qt 5.7+ and was designed and tested on Android (BlackBerry PRIV Android 6.0.1) and iOS (iPhone 6s iOS 9.3).
more information here: