in development
This project contains the implementation of an ultra-flexible pipeline for pre-processing. It can be used for any data science or machine learning project. However, it is specifically designed to work with the generator interface of tensorflow-keras.
Any pipeline can be represented by a directed acyclic graph. Each node corresponds to an operation and can have multiple input streams and output streams. The data-flow-principle is used: the output node request data from its input nodes, they request data from their inputs, and so on.
Every pipeline has at least one data source: the node at the root of the tree. It can be defined by inheriting from the FirstPipelineStep class:
class IntegerStream(FirstPipelineStep):
def __init__(self, **arguments):
self.next_number = 0
def get_next(self, previous: Generator, **arguments) -> Generator:
self.next_number += 1
yield [self.next_number]
is a generator yielding the next element. Since every node can have multiple output streams, get_next
yields a list with one element per output stream.
After having defined the data source, the easiest thing possible is a sequential pipeline with a simple list of steps which are applied to every data element:
pipeline = Block([
In this example, Adder
and FilterEven
can be defined as follows:
# we can inherit from FunctionTransformer since we only apply a simple function
class Adder(FunctionTransformer):
def transform(self, number, increment=0, **arguments):
return number + increment
# here, we have to apply from PipelineStep since we discard all odd elements
class FilterEven(PipelineStep):
def get_next(self, previous: Generator, **arguments) -> Generator:
# previous is a generator yielding a list from every incoming input per input stream
inputs = next(previous)
# we only yield if all inputs are even
while not all([i % 2 for i in inputs]):
inputs = next(previous)
yield inputs
Having defined the pipeline as above, we can use pipeline.get_generator
which returns a generator yielding the processed elements:
generator = pipeline.get_generator()
for e in generator:
There are many predefined pipeline steps and many useful features. A more realistic pipeline for image processing is the following, where we generate data for an autoencoder which reconstructs an image where a random block is cropped out:
# SimpleMRIGenerator has one outputs stream yielding the mri image
generator = SimpleMRIGenerator(n_bins=n_bins, data_loader=load_data)()
image_steps = Block([
# DuplicateStream turns every input stream into two output streams
duplicated = DuplicateStream()(image_steps)
# hide a random block of the input image
x = HideRandomBlock()(duplicated, 0) # we only use the first output stream of duplicated
# as this is an autoencoder, we use the full image as target output
y = Identity()(duplicated, 1)
# KerasTrainingGenerator transforms the data so that it can be directly used with a keras model
train_output = KerasTrainingGenerator()([x, y])
# get_view allows us to create multiple views of the same pipeline with different arguments passed
# to the steps. Here, bins_included is passed to the generator and allows us to do a train-test split
train_pipeline = train_output.get_view(bins_included=list(range(n_bins - 1)), **parameters)
test_output = KerasTestGenerator()([x, y])
test_pipeline = test_output.get_view(bins_included=[n_bins - 1], shuffle=False, **parameters)
# we can cache processed data on disk
# model is any tf-keras model
history =,
The conda environment in conda_env.yml is used. To load all packages in conda_env.yml into your current local environment run:
conda env export > conda_env.yml
pip install -r requirements.txt
To update conda_env.yml to contain the same packages as your current local environment run:
conda env update --file conda_env.yml --prune
pip freeze > requirements.txt