A grep like tool that shows around hit position written in Go.
Go environment
go get github.com/todoa2c/zengo
zengo -pattern=pos < main.go
then, outputs lines of two column: number of line and shows around hit position
14 // foundPos stores position of occurence a
43 eachRunePos returns position of sep in s fu
49 rsep := []rune(sep) pos := runeIndex(rs[ind
50 [index:], rsep) for pos != -1 { result = ap
51 ppend(result, index+pos) index += pos + 1 p
52 index+pos) index += pos + 1 pos = runeIndex
53 s) index += pos + 1 pos = runeIndex(rs[inde
78 runes, r) } for _, pos := range eachRunePo
79 foundPos{lastLen + pos, lineNo}) } lastLe
92 ange foundPosList { pos := foundPos.runePos
93 ineNo, string(runes[pos-*chars:pos+len(rune
93 ng(runes[pos-*chars:pos+len(runePattern)+*c
chars specifies number of characters around pattern (default 20 characters)
zengo -pattern=pos -chars=10 < main.go
14 os stores position of o
43 s returns position of s
49 rune(sep) pos := runeIn
50 rsep) for pos != -1 { r
51 lt, index+pos) index +=
52 index += pos + 1 pos =
53 = pos + 1 pos = runeInd
78 } for _, pos := range
79 lastLen + pos, lineNo})
92 PosList { pos := foundP
93 ing(runes[pos-*chars:po
93 os-*chars:pos+len(runeP