1417 commits
to canary
since this release
🐞 Bug Fixes
- core:
- Center peek can't open in firefox and safari - by @CatsJuice in #8816 (87520)
- Center peek zoomIn animation not work in firefox - by @CatsJuice in #8817 (34315)
- Warning when open center peek - by @EYHN in #8819 (c712e)
- Auth fail reason should be error.name - by @forehalo in #8822 (6a640)
- Polyfill iterator helper for safari - by @forehalo in #8824 (055fa)
- Wrong title field from editor container proxy - by @forehalo in #8826 (54c51)
- Make right-sidebar scrollable - by @CatsJuice in #8830 (96425)
- Cloud pricing plan cards can not scroll - by @CatsJuice in #8851 (abaea)
- Emoji doc name rendering on windows - by @pengx17 in #8857 (56a3f)
- Peek view animation - by @pengx17 in #8858 (e200e)
- Info modal style issue - by @pengx17 in #8842 (40110)
- Doc info event tracking issues - by @pengx17 in #8868 (3f5da)
- Ai subscribe button is not show in ai usage page - by @CatsJuice in #8869 (2e949)
- Linked doc named input box has excessive desire to select all - by @akumatus in #8861 (b0ca3)
- Auth events are not continuous - by @forehalo in #8874 (8b066)
- electron:
- mobile:
- Correct doc card title display - by @CatsJuice in #8836 (5fade)
- Correct search & home-header bg color - by @CatsJuice in #8835 (1f71e)
- Use mobile app-fallback in app-container - by @CatsJuice in #8804 (ffa4d)
- server: