Telegram bot to remotely open your house door with simple user management, access restrictions and access log.
- Raspberry Pi 3 or 4
- Relais connected to your house intercom's open button hooked up to a GPIO pin on your Raspberry Pi (DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!).
Install Docker
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker
Install Docker Compose
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev python3 python3-pip
sudo apt install docker-compose
Clone repo sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
git clone
cd doorbot
Acquire bot secret and admin user ID
- Send /start to @BotFather on Telegram, create a new bot and take note of the BOT API SECRET
- Send /start to @userinfobot on Telegram and take note of your user ID
- secret, pin, and at least one user ID need to be set! If you want more users to be admins separate them with semicolons.- TG-SECRET: "BOT-SECRET"
- PIN: 21
Spin up docker containers
docker-compose up -d
Talk to your bot
- Send /start to your bot to get going
- Share a contact with the bot to add this user to the user list