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File configuration

世外桃源 KPT-D edited this page May 2, 2018 · 7 revisions

Please create an empty file and rename into and fill in the data listed as below.

Environment file configurations

ACCOUNT_USER - User login email id and this is a required field. The information can be retrieved from your account profile.

SCRET_CCX_SALT_KEY - The secret passphrase for the api key connector has to be 32 characters uppercase A-Z and number 0-9. This information can be retrieved on your account profile under API tab.

REMOTE_PRODUCTION_DOMAIN - The domain name of this bot if it has one.

GROUPID - The bot ID name as the ID revealed from your profile account. Only one number can be chosen. For example: GROUPID=55

RETRIES=4 - The retry times when it fails to make connection to api server and this is a required field. Default is 4

TYPE - The bot type, type-a | type-t. and this is a required field.

  • type-a : Cross Exchange Arbitrages
  • type-t : Triangular or Exchange Arbitrages

TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - Token api for telegram bot token (optional)

TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID - Token api for telegram bot charID (optional)

EXPOUSURE_SYMBOLS - The symbols that will be considered into the trading pair. Please using , separate different symbols.

BASE_HEDGE- The base currency that will be used hedging against another currency for the final settlement in balance. Please using , separate different symbols.

HEARTBEATRATE - The special reporting rate for heartbeat, please set the range between [10000-999999]. It is recommended not to change this configuration.

BEARINGRATE - The advance configuration for rating bits per internal notifications. [500-5000] default its 1000.

PROFIT_SUM - Consider to be the trigger when the profit percentage reached to a profitable threshold. This is the profit that consider taken all other cost off during the trading process. The lower the number the high chance the profit can be realised.

LIMITED_EXCHANGES - You can limit the list of exchanges for trading purposes. It is recommended to have at least two exchange names mentioned from the is configuration to allow fair trade exchange mechanism.

TEST_ONLY=1 - Testing Mode ONLY. You can set 1 to activate real trade or set to 0 for testing mode. TEST_ONLY by default is set to true or 1 when there is no mentioning about this configuration. However, you can set this to 0 if you need that to run right after the status is switched to online. This config also allow to be changed via chat bot for further control.

The database connection schema to your trading data db (optional) DB_POSTGRES=

PROTOCAL=0 - The special communication protocol for faster and secured connections. We are now support multiple connection conventions.

  • 0=localhost only (this is applied by default configurations)
  • (free to getting the connection done but its not too reliable)
  • 2=ngork (please login the website ngork to get authtoken and please also add key NGORKTOKEN as the configurations
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