Course material for the COM2009 ROS2 Course Assignments.
Access the site here:
Site is built using Material for MKDocs
First, create a Python virtual environment (ideally 3.9 or higher):
python -m venv venv
Activate the environment and install the latest version of Material for MKDocs along with the following plugins:
pip install \
mkdocs-material \
mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin \
mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin \
mkdocs-glightbox \
Site content is located in the "docs" directory. See here for guidance on how to write site content:
- General Guidance on Writing in Markdown: A Markdown Cheatsheet
- Material for MkDocs Documentation:
To preview the site as you write use the following command (make sure the Python environment is active!):
mkdocs serve
Then go to http://localhost:8000/com2009/ in a browser.