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Dead Simple AB Testing with Universal Analytics - a @FUweekend project by @tomfuertes.

gaab('jumbotron', 1, [
  { variation: 'control' },
  { variation: 'spiffy',
    'h1': 'Spiffy :)' }, //~ $('h1').html('Spiffy :)')
  { variation: 'boring',
    'h1': 'Boring :(' } //~ $('h1').html('Boring :(')

GAAB Test Gif Demo

GAAB Reporting Demo

More Advanced

gaab('buttons', 1, [ // testName, dimension, experimentsArray
  { variation: 'control' },
  { variation: 'killer',
    '.jumbotron .btn': function (selector) {
      $(selector).css('color', 'red'); }

// more complex (selector, text/function, multiple...)
// Here we'll run 4 tests using a mix of simple innerHTML replacement
// And multiple selector/styling/color changes in each variation
gaab('animals', 1, [
  { variation: 'control' },
  { variation: 'angry-bull',
    'h1': 'Angry!!!',
    '.jumbotron .btn': function (s) {
      $(s).css('color', 'red'); }
  { variation: 'green-frog',
    '.jumbotron .btn': function (s) {
      $(s).css('color', 'red'); },
    '.footer': function (s) {
      $(s).remove(); },
    'h3': function (s) {
      $(s).css('color', 'green'); }
  { variation: 'total-chaos',
    '[placeholder]': function (s) {
      $(s).removeAttr('placeholder', null); },
    'label': function (s) {
      $(s).remove(); }

Getting Started

  1. Setup a Universal Analytics account (you can upgrade your old GA or create a new one) if you haven't already.
  2. Create a New Custom Dimension called Testing with a user level scope.
  3. Copy/paste the html from the latest .min.js.html version in dist somewhere above your universal analytics script.
  4. Call gaab(experimentName, dimension, [/*experiments*/]) to start testing.
<!-- copied/pasted minified script per notes from above! -->
<script id="gaab" data-version="0.2.0" data-docs="">
!function(a){"use strict";var b=function(){var a,b=[],c=document,d="DOMContentLoaded",e=/^loaded|^i|^c/.test(c.readyState);return e||c.addEventListener(d,a=function(){for(c.removeEventListener(d,a),e=1;a=b.shift();)a()}),function(a){e?a():b.push(a)}}();a.gaab=function(a,c,d){ga(function(e){function f(a,b){return function(){"function"==typeof b?b(a):"undefined"!=typeof jQuery?jQuery(a).html(b):document.querySelectorAll(a).innerHTML=b}}var g=e.get("clientId"),h=parseFloat(g,10)%100/100,i=d[Math.floor(h*d.length)];ga("set","dimension"+c,a+": "+i.variation);for(var j in i)"variation"!==j&&i.hasOwnProperty(j)&&b(f(j,i[j]))})}}(window);

<!-- universal analytics boilerplate w/ gaab -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-YYYYYY-X', 'auto');

// testName, dimension, experimentsArray
gaab('jumbotron', 1, [
  { variation: 'control' },
  { variation: 'spiffy',
    'h1': 'Spiffy :)' } //~ $('h1').html('Spiffy :)')
  { variation: 'boring',
    'h1': 'Boring :(' } //~ $('h1').html('Boring :(')

ga('send', 'pageview'); // all calls to gaab must be made before this!


Whatever version jQuery supports (assuming window.jQuery is available at domready). Any browser with querySelectorAll (~IE8+) if not.


Dead Simple Universal Analytics AB Testing






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