Smoothing trajectories: Smoothing uses a 1D Savitzky-Golay filter. Specify smoothing as a parameter when extracting trajectories in a session or directly smooth a single trial from the pd.Dataframe of session extracted trajectories Smoothing functions can be found in utils.smooth_trajectory
Extracting head angles: Extract head angle from sleap pose data as the angle of the vector from neck to nose
relative to the horizontal (going CCW).
Functions can be found in, with functions to extract head angle at specified frames in each trial
(e.g. stim start frames or trial end frames),or just a single specified frame index.
Functions take track number as an input, so must run separately on each track in social sessions. makes use of function head_angle_to_wall to find the head angles to both of the walls, record them in om, and compare them. This ONLY works for social sessions, as it assumes track 0 in the sleap trajectory data# SLEAP_project