SAS Programming Area (for SAS Language)
This is intended for blank, single projects.
- Clone repository
- Update programs/macros/ (and other setup*.sas files as necessary for the project)
- data/misc/define20map.xml - an XML map to access define.xml v2.0 data through libname xml engine
- 4 spaces to indent, UTF-8 encoding (no tabs)
- No code obscuring, hiding in the log.
- No compiled macros without source code.
- Macros updates/new features: backward compatible (if possible)
- Macros to declare %local or %global macro variable scape, use named macro parameters instead of positional (unless it is necessary),
- Macros to not change options (unless, user expects macro to be changing options, i.e. data processing or reporting macros should not change mprint mlogic etc. options)
- User defined log messages:
- ERROR: (use put 'ER' 'ROR: ' or %put %sysfunc(cats(ER,ROR:)) for unexpected program path etc or detected issue)
- WARNING: (use put 'WA' 'RNING: ' or %put %sysfunc(cats(WA,RNING:)) for correct program path, but most likely not expected, or deviated from expected
- NOTICE: (use put 'NO' 'TICE: ' or %put %sysfunc(cats(NO,TICE:)) for debug or information
- NOTE: only by SAS/WPS itself.
- Nice to have:
- When not running in batch, produce all outputs into "work", so that actual outputs aren't modified until the program is batch submitted and log files are saved
- Prepare metadata for TLFs (titles/footnotes etc.) and datasets (dependencies?)
- Prepare python script to output .md if it contains "md ... md;" comments.
- Log parser..
Not affiliated with:
- SAS(R) (
- World Programming (