I'm Tom Laird-McConnell. I am a retired software engineer who got his start as a teenager writing software for commodore computers.
I spent over 30 years of my career at Microsoft where I worked on things as diverse as networking software, kids software, search engines and conversation AI.
- Lucene.Net Azure Storage - Lucene indexing on azure
- YamlConvert - YAML conversion for Json.NET
- Iciclecreek.Async - Async linq extensions
- Linq.AI - AI extensions for linq
- Consolonia - Avalonia for Console apps
- CShell - batch scripting with dotnet
- FlexObject - dynamic base class for objects
- ObjectPath - path manipulation of objects.
- ObjectSearch.Net - in memory search engine over objects.
- Patter.Net - pattern recognition library
- Crazor - create adaptive cards using ASP.NET Razor files.
- Iciclecreek.Bot - Multiple bot related projects
While at Microsoft: