A small Java exploration project with Twitter Streaming API and Amazon Kinesis.
- Spin up a Amazon Kinesis stream
- Ensure you have maven installed with at least Java 1.7
- Clone the repo
- Go into the project folder, run
mvn package
- Create the config file:
cp config.properties.sample config.properties
- Add the necessary keys in the config file.
- Start the collector:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="co.tommi.crawler.TweetsCollector"
- Start the processor:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="co.tommi.crawler.TweetsProcessor"
- Don't forget to spin down your Kinesis stream when you are done!
- Get tweets using Twitter's Streaming API
- Add these tweets to Amazon Kinesis
- Retrieve tweets from Amazon Kinesis
- Hosebird Client - a huge chunk of code is taken from this repo
- Kinesis using Java API
- AWS SDK Javadoc