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Mediable 🎥📸🎵📂

Mediable is a light weight easy to use Laravel Livewire Media Manager. Mediable is awesome for injecting content into blog posts, carousels, product previews or similar applications.

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For a complete demonstration see the Mediable Demo repository.




You can install the package via composer:

composer require tomshaw/mediable

Mediable comes with both install and update commands.

php artisan mediable:install
php artisan mediable:update

Run the included database migration.

This creates an attachments table that stores upload information.

php artisan migrate

Add Mediable styles and scripts directives to your layout.

@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])


Make sure your .env APP_URL is correctly set.


Finally make uploaded files accessible from the web.

php artisan storage:link


Add the Mediable component to your blade template.

Boolean options can be provided by only specifying the key.

<livewire:mediable fullScreen />

Launching Mediable is done by dispatching the event.

This is typically executed with a button click.


Insert attachments directly into form inputs using PHP 8 named parameters.

This example launches the modal with the intention of injecting attachments directly into an html input that has an id of description.

$this->dispatch('', id: 'description');

Use the mediable.on event to handle selected attachments.

on(['mediable.on' => function ($files) {
  // Handle selected files...


You can customize allowable file types and max file size in the mediable.php config file.

'validation' => [
    'files.*' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,mp3,mp4,m4a,ogg,wav,webm,avi,mov,wmv,txt,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,zip,rar|max:10240',

The mimes rule specifies the allowable file types. To add a new file type, simply add its mime type to the list. For example, to allow SVG files, you would change it to:


The max rule specifies the maximum file size, in kilobytes. To change the maximum file size, simply change the number. For example, to allow files up to 50MB, you would change it to:


Storage Disk

You can configure the storage disk used for file uploads in the mediable.php config file. The disk option is used to specify the disk name:

'disk' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'public'),

The value of disk is the key of disks in your Laravel application's config/filesystems.php file. By default, it uses the disk specified by the FILESYSTEM_DRIVER environment variable, or 'public' if the environment variable is not set.

You can change the disk option to use a different disk for file uploads. For example, to use the 's3' disk, you can set disk to 's3':

'disk' => 's3',

Remember to configure the chosen disk correctly in your config/filesystems.php file and to clear your config cache after making changes by running php artisan config:clear in your terminal.

Image Conversion Settings

Mediable can automatically create WebP and AVIF versions of your image uploads. You can control this behavior with the following environment variables:

  • MEDIABLE_CREATE_WEBP: Set this to true to create a WebP version of each image upload, or false to disable this feature. By default, this is set to true.

  • MEDIABLE_CREATE_AVIF: Set this to true to create an AVIF version of each image upload, or false to disable this feature. By default, this is set to true.

You can also control the quality of the WebP and AVIF versions with the following environment variables:

  • MEDIABLE_WEBP_QUALITY: Set this to any integer between 0 and 100 to control the quality of the WebP versions. A higher number means better quality but larger file size. By default, this is set to 80.

  • MEDIABLE_AVIF_QUALITY: Set this to any integer between 0 and 100 to control the quality of the AVIF versions. A higher number means better quality but larger file size. By default, this is set to 80.

Here's an example of how you might set these environment variables in your .env file:



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). See License File for more information.

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