An app that relays Leap Motion data to Google Glass.
How to Use:
- Download and install the Leap Motion driver from
- Change the IP address in '' to your computer's IP address.
- Compile the LeapGlass Client and install it on your Glass via adb.
- Plug in your Leap Motion device through USB.
- Run the LeapGlass Server with Python:
- Say “ok glass, hand motion” to start.
- Wait for connection to PC.
- Swipe your hand in mid-air (over the LEAP controller) to the left or right to scroll the cards on Glass.
If you are using a Chromebook as the server:
I have tested the LeapGlass Server on an HP Chromebook 14, with the LEAP controller plugged in through the USB 3 (superspeed) port. This may work on other Chromebooks as well.
- Put Chromebook in Developer Mode.
- Install Ubuntu with crouton.
- Disable Chromebook TCP firewall.
- Download the LeapGlass Server and run it as described above.
To uninstall:
Open a terminal console or command line and type: adb uninstall com.carrotcorp.leapglass
CAUTION: This app is an experiment. Some things may not run smoothly. I am not responsible for anything that may happen as a result of downloading, installing, or using this app. That said, if you want to try out Leap Motion with Google Glass, go ahead!
Please submit a report through the issue tracker if you find any bugs.
This app is inspired by Laen from OSH Park.
Licensed under GPL v3. See LICENSE file for more information.