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Component: SNMP Devices

Toni Moreno edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 10 revisions

SNMP Devices

The core component: SNMP Devices. The user will define Devices to poll data from using SNMP protocol.


Configured SNMP Devices are shown as table. This will appear every time you navigate from menu.

SNMP Devices list

Add/Edit SNMP Devices

  • Add: In the SNMP Devices list click on new button New Button

  • Edit: Click on SNMP Devices edit's button Edit Button

The Create/Modify form will show up:

Edit Device 1

Configuration Parameters

Type of settings Config Parameter Description
Core settings ID Text String that uniquely identify the device , should be unique in the config db, it can be hostname, serial number or any other text id
Active let device begin gathering process on agent boot process
Device settings Host the network direction the agent will use to do snmp connection , could be IP or fqdn name
Port the network port where the agent will use to do snmp connections
Timeout sets de timeout for each SNMP query
Retries sets the number of retries to attempt within Timeout
Alternate System OID's Set OID to get like MIB-2::System Info for non MIB-2 based devices
Debug settings LogLevel enable use select verbosity of the device log
SnmpDebug if this option is set all snmp low level protocol queries with detailed info on this device will be written on a file with name "snmpdebug_XXXXXX.log"
Polling settings Snmpversion could be any of these [1,2c,3]
Disable snmpbulk if true the bulk feature won't be used ( these feature is needed to query IBM XIV disk arrays, which has a snmpv2/v3 agent with a buggy bulk support)
MaxRepetitions set The MaxRepetitions parameter for BULKWALK SNMP queries
Community the snmp version 2 community
v3seclevel (only for snmpv3) define the level of security needed for the connection valid values are.

  • NoAuthNoPriv
  • AuthNoPriv
  • AuthPriv
v3authuser (snmpv3 only) the username that will establish the snmp query
v3authpass (snmpv3 only) the authentication password
v3authprot (snmpv3 only) the Authentication Protocol values should be any of "MD5", "SHA"
v3privpass (snmpv3 only) Privacy password
v3privprot (snmpv3 only) Privacy Protocol values should be any of [ "DES", "AES"]
v3ContextEngineID SNMPV3 ContextEngineID in ScopedPDU (equivalent to the net-snmp -E paramenter)
v3ContextName SNMPV3 ContextName in ScopedPDU ( equivalent to the net-snmp -n parameter)
Freq Frequency of polling in seconds ( default 60 sec if not set)
UpdateFltFreq Number pof complete polls that agent will wait before perform snmp table index/filter updates , the final update time will be Freq*FilterUpdate ( in seconds) Default 60 ( 1h elapsed time)
ConcurrentGather Open a new SNMP Connection for each measurement and send concurrent queries over the device.
Data settings InfluxDB Server let you select over which database you will send data.
DeviceTagName Tag name the agent will send to the output db (default : "device"), could be any of the other more explicit tagname depending on the device type, context , by example (router,switch,firewall,dns..etc)
DeviceTagValue could be one of these:
  • id: will send as device tag the configured ID for this measurement
  • Hostwill send as device tag data configured in the Host configuration (name or IP).
ExtraTags an array of tags for this device that will be sent on all its measurements.
Override Device Vars List of var catalog to override the default set value
Measurement Groups an array of Measurement Group ID.
Measurement Filters an array for configured filters
Extra settings Description add here all important information over this device

Test Connection

When editing or adding a SNMPDevice there is the option to send a query and check its connectivity and send OID queries from already defined components.

To access on the Test Connection Modal, click on Test Connection

Test Connection Modal

The user can select the OID Source:

OID Source

The OID related on selected component will load and the user will be able to send query to see those results:

OID Source

OID Source

Filter Connection

As the user is editing or adding a new Device it a Custom Filter can be created directly from its form. To access, click on "Filter Connection" button and the form will shown up.

For more information, check Component: Custom Filters

Multi edit in SNMP Devices

Multi edit has 3 options: Remove,Change property or Append Property

  1. Remove: Allows to remove all the selected items

  2. Change property: Allows to change the selected property of all the selected items. The properties are the same defined in the configuration.

Property Type Options/Values
Active Selector True /False
LogLevel Selector Panic/ Fatal/ Error/ Warning/ Info /Debug
Concurrent Gather Selector True /False
Disable Bulk Selector True /False
SNMPDebug Selector True /False
Timeout Input Time in seconds
Retries Input Any number
Freq Input Any number in Hz
Max Repetitions Input Any number
Device Tag Name Input Any string
MeasurementGroup Selector List of all measurement groups
MeasFilters Selector List of all the filters
ExtraTags Input Any tag (string)
  1. Append Property: Allows to append a new measurement, filter o extra tags in the selected devices.
Property Type Options/Values
MeasurementGroup Selector List of all measurement groups
MeasFilters Selector List of all the filters
ExtraTags Input Any tag (string)