Here you can find previous years AP Comp Sci A exams. There are starter projects for each year to help you quickly get started and not to mention sample answers to help you determine if you are on the right track.
You will need the following:
- Some kind of IDE or you can use vi and the command line if you are feeling old school
- Maven 3.0 or greater
- Java 1.8 or greater
Each year's exams are stored under its respective directory.
├── 2015 --> 2015 Exam questions
├── 2016 --> 2016 Exam questions
├── ...
└── 2018 --> 2018 Exam questions
For each years individual questions you can find sample answers in a different branch that follows the following naming convention:
Example for 2018's Question 1: 2018-question-1-sample-answer
I fully embrace the open source model, and if you have something to add, I would love to review it and get it merged in!
Ensure your development environment meets the system requirements called out above.
Before starting work, please check the issues to see what's being discussed and worked on. If there's an open, unresolved issue for what you want to work on, please comment on it stating that you would like to tackle the changes. If there's not an issue, please add one and also state that you'll work on it.
- Fork the repo
- Optional: create a branch to work off of
- Write the code
- Make sure everything compiles:
mvn clean install
- Commit and push your code to your fork
- Open a pull request
The best way to contact me is through the issues; I'll get back to you as soon as I can.