#Sass Mixins and Function
Collection best of Sass Mixins and Function.If you have seen good and meaningful Mixins or Functions, please send us your code.Let more students share your results.
收集优秀的Sass Mixins和Function。如果您有看到优秀的、有意义的Mixins或Functions,请向我们提交您的代码吧。让更多的同学分享您的成果。
##Sass Resources
###Sass Features
- Sass 3.4 is Out! by @Hugo Giraudel
- Everything you need to know about Sass 3.4 by @Micah Godbolt——译文 by @大漠
###Sass Architectures
- BEM modifiers: multiple classes vs @extend by @bensmithett——译文 by @大漠
- BEM, SASS and Bootstrap: how to mix everything up in a smart way? by @OruiAnderson
- Pushing BEM to the next level with Sass 3.4 by @MintelMarc——译文 by @大漠
- Bootstrap’s Grid System vs. Susy: A Comparison by @Zell Liew
- Sass and Bourbon Neat for Lightweight Semantic Grids by @M. David Green
###Sass Framework
###Sass Tools & Compile
- Gulpin SASS to CSS by @Rik Schennink
- Using Grunt, bootstrap, Compass and SASS in a Drupal sub theme by @David Allard
###Sass & CMS
© w3cplus,作者:大漠。QQ讨论群:78142855