- Download and install MS Visual Studio Code
- Install C/C++ for Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO
- Install PlatformIO extension in Visual Studio Code
After installing the requirements, clone the repo to your local machine.
- If you are using a physical machine, you can use PIO Home user interface tool to import and configure the project.
- If you are running on a virtual machine, PIO Home won't work but there is also a powerfull CLI tool which has the same functionality with PIO Home.
- Open the folder that contains the local copy of the repo on Visual Studio Code.
- Start a new terminal with PlatformIO Core CLI (you can search for the command on Visual Studio with CTRL + SHIFT + P).
- Change directory to the project folder.
- Run project targets over environments declared in platformio.ini (Project Configuration File).
pio run
Note: All dependencies of the project declared in the platform.ini will be installed by PlatformIO automatically. Some basic Git commands are:
After successfull compilation, you can download the FW to the Teensy.
pio run --target upload
While the PCAP04-arduino and arduino-MPU-driver is still in development you should always check if you are using the latest version.
You can simply update the driver libraries with pio lib update