This repo contains all the configuration needed to run the live Torrust demo.
Live demo:
It's also used to track issues in production.
Follow instructions on Deploying Torrust To Production.
You need to also enable a firewall.
The application is located in the directory: /home/torrust/github/torrust/torrust-demo
To run docker compose commands you need to cd to the app dir:
cd /home/torrust/github/torrust/torrust-demo
Sample commands:
docker ps
: list containers.docker compose logs -f
: print all containers' logs.docker compose logs -f tracker
: print tracker container' logs.docker compose logs -f tracker | head -n100
: print the first 100 lines in the tracker container log.docker compose logs -f | grep "ERROR"
: print logs showing only errors.
- SSH into the server.
- Execute the deployment script:
. - Execute the smoke tests:
cargo run --bin udp_tracker_client announce 9c38422213e30bff212b30c360d26f9a02136422
cargo run --bin http_tracker_client announce 9c38422213e30bff212b30c360d26f9a02136422
"udp_trackers": [""],
"http_trackers": [""],
"health_checks": [""]
}' cargo run --bin tracker_checker
- Create a workflow for deployments.
- Automatic deployment when new docker images are available.