The new, most powerful Comic- & Manga-Reader ever created by the human race. Reworked by an Otaku for Scanlation-Groups.
- Create invites
- Register using invite & login to Account
- Add Titles/Edit them
- Add Chapters/Edit them
- Bookmark Mangas & Chapters via Cookies
- View Bookmarks & keep track of them
- Download the latest stable release
- Create a MySQL Database and import
- Go to table
, pressinsert
and type intoken
whatever you want - Edit
to your likings - Upload everything and open in Browser
- Click on
, thenSignup
and fill out the info - Enter in the field
Invite Code
you just created - After Registering, Login using your Details
- Done
View full Documentation here. (Soon)
is the Title of the Site
is the location of the logo from the Root folder
is what shows when you're on the main page
is the full URL to your site including subfolder AND ends with slash!
is a number between 1-5 being different Themes
declares when your Group was founded, will show in footer
is what language-file it uses located in /lang/
is the name of your Disqus portal
is the MySQL host
is the MySQL user
is the password for the user
is the table where you imported the SQL file
For support, join our Discord:
Or eMail me at [email protected]
I spend a lot of time working on this. Please consider donating some money via PayPal: [email protected]
View (a slightly modified version of) FoOlsldiex in action:
This project is used by the following groups:
FoOlSlideX Development:
- EN: Saintly2k
- DE: Saintly2k
- PT: Luckkyz
FoOlSlide/FoOlSlide2 Original Idea/Development: