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Docker Image Factory Build Status Coverage Status

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This project will build Docker images from a GitHub repository containing a Dockerfile and push them to a Docker repository.

This project is intended to be run as one or more stand alone instances within AWS EC2. This is the OSS version of private image-factory used in totem.



  • Job - A request to build a docker image from a github repository at a specific branch/commit.
  • Image - A built Docker image used as the starting point for a Docker container.
  • Registry - A location for Docker images to be stores. Compatable with the Docker Registry API.
  • Log - The events from each build step concatinated together.

Prerequisites (Docker)

Dynamic Config

Authorized Keys (Optional)

This is needed to allow ssh access to image factory. Only needed for troubleshooting docker in docker issues. Create authorized_keys file with public keys.

cat <<END>authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1.....

Store authorized_keys to etcd.

curl -L -XPUT --data-urlencode value@authorized_keys

Github SSH Key (Required for private repositories)

Encrypt the private key using passphrase.

ssh-keygen  -N '<passphrase>' -p -f github-deploy

Store the encrypted key in etcd.

curl -L -XPUT --data-urlencode value@github-deploy

Docker Credentials (.dockercfg)

Create .dockercfg with credentials of See

Encrypt the credentials using gpg and passhrase (Use same passphrase as the one used for encrypting github ssh key).

echo "<passphrase>"  | gpg -c  --batch --passphrase-fd 0  -o .dockercfg.enc  .dockercfg
base64 .dockercfg.enc > .dockercfg.enc.b64

Store the encrypted config in etcd.

curl -L -XPUT --data-urlencode [email protected]


The docker image for the Image Factory can be run using two approaches:

Mounting Docker Socket as volume

In this mode, the docker unix socket is mounted as a read-only volume to the image-factory container. This approach does not require privileged mode. An example run command is below:

docker run -P -d -h image-factory.$USER -v /dev/log:/dev/log -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -e 'ENC_PASSPHRASE=<github key passphrase/dockercfg passphrase>' totem/image-factory

Docker in Docker (using privileged mode)

In this mode, imagefactory runs Docker-in-Docker and therefore has several unique requirements when running the image. Most notably you need to run the image in a --privileged mode with custom LXC arguments to disable AppArmor. An example run command is below:

docker run -P -d -h image-factory.$USER --privileged --lxc-conf="lxc.aa_profile=unconfined" -e 'ENC_PASSPHRASE=<github key passphrase/dockercfg passphrase>' totem/image-factory

Note: This approach has issues with systemd (CoreOS) and might fail intermittently. This approach has been deprecated and might be removed in future releases.

Run Configuration (Environment Variables)

Env Variable Description Default Value (Docker)
ETCD_HOST Etcd server host.
ETCD_PORT Etcd server port. 4001
ETCD_TOTEM_BASE Base path for totem configurations /totem
HOOK_POST_URL URL to be used for post build notification
HOOK_SECRET Secret used for github post hook and post build notification changeit
HIPCHAT_TOKEN Hipchat room notification token to be used for failed build notification
HIPCHAT_ROOM Hipchat room to be used for failed build notification
BASE_URL Base Url for Image Factory. Used for forming notification URLs http://localhost:8080
DOCKER_REPO_BASE Docker base repository url (e.g:
TOTEM_ENV Name of totem environment (e.g. production, local, development) local
LOG_IDENTIFIER Identifier used for centralized logging (syslog) image-factory
ENC_PASSPHRASE Ecnryption passphrase for git key (in etcd)
CONCURRENCY Number of concurrent runners for image factory 2

Prerequisites (Development)


This application is writen in JavaScript for NodeJS. It utilizes NPM for dependency managment and Grunt as a task runner to facilitate testing and releasing.

As with all Node projects, to get started you will need to install the project dependencies. Do this by running the following from the root of this project:

npm install


Unit and Integration tests are facilitated using Mocha. To execute the test suite, run:

grunt test

Image Name

This image can be found in the repository at:



To build this image, simply run docker build --rm -t totem/image-factory . from the root of this repository.

Best Practices

This project uses the Git Flow process for getting changes into the project.