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command line tool for making texture atlases with meta info for cocos2d

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SpriteGlue is command-line spritesheet (a.k.a. Texture Atlas) generator written in Qt. You can use it on any platform which supports Qt (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)

###Supported spritesheet formats###

  • cocos2d


  • Command Line

    $ spriteglue assets_folder


    $ spriteglue
    Usage: spriteglue [options] <files> --sheet resultPath
    --data       data file path (for cocos2d it will be .plist)                          [default: same path with result texture]
    --scale      scale image factor (at 0 to 1)                                          [default: "1"]
    --trim       trims source images according to the mode (none, all-alpha, max-alpha)  [default: "max-alpha"]
    --padding    general padding between sprites and border                              [default: "0"]
    --margin     distance between sprites                                                [default: "1"]
    --suffix     path extension which will be used by the atlas data file                [default: same as resulting texture]
    --max-size-w max atlas width. if undefined it will use height instead                [default: "4096"]
    --max-size-h max atlas height. if undefined it will use width instead                [default: "4096"]
    --square     makes texture width and height equal                                    [default: false]
    --powerOf2   makes texture size power of 2                                           [default: false]
    --opt        color format of resulting texture (rgba8888, rgb888, rgb666, rgb555, rgb444, alpha8, grayscale8, mono, rgba8888p) [default: "rgba8888"]
  • Example

    spriteglue /Users/tovchenko/myassets --sheet /Users/tovchenko/myatlas.png --max-size-w 2048 --scale 0.5 --suffix pvr.ccz --square --powerOf2

###Output### SpriteGlue generates texture in png format. Next you may want to turn this png texture into a platform depended format like PVR, PKM etc. For this purpose use following options:

  1. --suffix Gives you posibility to pre-define the final texture file extension in your atlas meta data file (for cocos2d it's plist)

  2. --square Some formats like PVR supports only squared images, that why you must use this option if you going to convert a texture into PVR

  3. --powerOf2 Some render systems like OpenGL ES 1.1 and graphic formats like PVR support textures where width and height aliquot to power of 2

###Algorithm / Optimizations### As a layout algorithm has been chosen "max-rects" and added some additional aligning/sprite duplicating features that makes your atlas as compact as posible, I hope:) The atlases made by SpriteGlue have been even a little bit compact then same atlases made by commercial TexturePacker.

###Trimming / Cropping### SpriteGlue can remove transparent whitespace around images. With that you can pack more assets into one spritesheet and it makes rendering a little bit faster.

###Deploying project for Mac OS### If you want to use this project on your mac without dependency on an external Qt library - you must deploy the project. For that you should open the project in Qt Creator, select in a left bottom corner "Release" and press "Build". After that find a qt tool named "macdeployqt", it should be located by your Qt installation path. Run it and pass as a parameter your already builded spriteglue application bundle, that tool will add all needed Qt frameworks inside spriteglue bundle.


command line tool for making texture atlases with meta info for cocos2d






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