CGSSAssetsDownloader (deprecated, use mishiro instead)
Due to the acb/awb format changed and I have no time to find out how to deal with this situation, this tool can not download game BGM/LIVE any more. I recommend you to use mishiro which is my new CGSS DESKTOP APPLICATION project programing with TypeScript. It can do the same thing or, even more.
CGSSAssetsDownloader [-v resource_version] [-o option or filename] [-u]
CGSSAssetsDownloader [-v resource_version] [-a] [-u] [-mp3]
CGSSAssetsDownloader file1 file2 file3 ...
CGSSAssetsDownloader -o -bgm -u
CGSSAssetsDownloader -v 10028005 -o gachaselect_30145.unity3d
CGSSAssetsDownloader -v 10031250 -a -u -mp3
CGSSAssetsDownloader path\\to\\NoSuffixFile path\\to\\ACBFile.acb path\\to\\HCAFile.hca ...
You can also drag no suffix file (to .unity3d), .acb file or .hca file (to .wav, or to .mp3 if you use -mp3 argument with command line) into the exe
[-v resource_version] [OPTIONAL] Set the resource version of game and download database.
[-a] [OPTIONAL] Auto update bgm, live, card, icon, score assets.
[-o bgm|live|card|icon|score|(filename)] [OPTIONAL] Read the detail below.
[-u] [OPTIONAL] Copy files to "dl" folder.
[-mp3] [OPTIONAL] WAV to MP3.Default: WAV.
-o detail:
[bgm] All background music will be downloaded.
[live] All live music will be downloaded.
[card] All unity3d files that contain card background will be downloaded.
[icon] All unity3d files that contain 124x124 card icon will be downloaded.
[score] All bdb files that contain music score will be downloaded.
The copyright of CGSS and its related content is held by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.