Prepare version 0.14.0 #173
reviewdog [detekt] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (41)
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|32 col 103| The function includeTenantScopedSoftDeletableTableSpeks(table: T, tenantIdFunc: () -> TID, otherTenantIdFunc: () -> TID, tenant1RecordsFunc: () -> Array, tenant2RecordsFunc: () -> Array, titleColumnRef: Column) has too many parameters. The current threshold is set to 6.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|32 col 61| The function includeTenantScopedSoftDeletableTableSpeks is too long (1489). The maximum length is 60.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|32 col 61| The function includeTenantScopedSoftDeletableTableSpeks appears to be too complex based on Cyclomatic Complexity (complexity: 412). Defined complexity threshold for methods is set to '15'
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|459 col 17| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|477 col 17| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|854 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|950 col 21| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|1083 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|1170 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TanantScopedDestroyableTableSpek.kt|1337 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/DestroyableModelSpeks.kt|26 col 38| The function includeSoftDeletableTableSpeks is too long (304). The maximum length is 60.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/DestroyableModelSpeks.kt|26 col 38| The function includeSoftDeletableTableSpeks appears to be too complex based on Cyclomatic Complexity (complexity: 58). Defined complexity threshold for methods is set to '15'
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|30 col 90| The function includeTenantScopedTableSpeks(table: T, tenantIdFunc: () -> TID, tenant2IdFunc: () -> TID, tenant1RecordFunc: () -> M, tenant2RecordFunc: () -> M, titleColumnRef: Column) has too many parameters. The current threshold is set to 6.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|30 col 61| The function includeTenantScopedTableSpeks is too long (923). The maximum length is 60.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|30 col 61| The function includeTenantScopedTableSpeks appears to be too complex based on Cyclomatic Complexity (complexity: 263). Defined complexity threshold for methods is set to '15'
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|114 col 17| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|297 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|368 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/TenantScopedTableSpeks.kt|709 col 25| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/ModelMappingTableSpeks.kt|23 col 20| The function includeRecordMappingTableSpeks is too long (142). The maximum length is 60.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/shared/ModelMappingTableSpeks.kt|23 col 20| The function includeRecordMappingTableSpeks appears to be too complex based on Cyclomatic Complexity (complexity: 27). Defined complexity threshold for methods is set to '15'
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/Functions.kt|39 col 25| RuntimeException is a too generic Exception. Prefer throwing specific exceptions that indicate a specific error case.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/traits/SoftDeletableTableTrait.kt|55 col 22| In most cases using a spread operator causes a full copy of the array to be created before calling a method. This may result in a performance penalty.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/traits/SoftDeletableTableTrait.kt|5 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/postgres/JsonBSpek.kt|11 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/postgres/ArraySpek.kt|9 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/TenantScopedSoftDeletableLongIdTableSpek.kt|9 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/TenantScopedSoftDeletableLongIdTableSpek.kt|28 col 1| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/RecordMappingLongIdTableSpek.kt|7 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/SoftDeletableLongIdTableSpek.kt|9 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/SoftDeletableUuidTableSpek.kt|8 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/TenantScopedUuidTableSpek.kt|7 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/RecordMappingUuidTableSpek.kt|7 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/TenantScopedSoftDeletableUuidTableSpek.kt|9 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/test/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/TenantScopedSoftDeletableUuidTableSpek.kt|28 col 1| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/SoftDeletableLongIdTable.kt|6 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/long/TenantScopedSoftDeletableLongIdTable.kt|7 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/TenantScopedSoftDeletableUuidTable.kt|7 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/uuid/SoftDeletableUuidTable.kt|6 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/tables/traits/RecordMappingTableTrait.kt|8 col 1|* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
src/main/kotlin/io/taff/exposed/extensions/PersistenceError.kt|14 col 38| Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.