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Example Usages
GitHub Action edited this page Jul 21, 2024
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We will be using this head as example.
// This is the base64 texture value from the bottom of the previously mentioned website.
final String textureValue = "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTQyY2M5MjAzYzkwYjg5YmRhYzFkZjI4NDE2NzI2NmI5NTNkZmViZjNjNDY5MGE3Y2QwYjE1NzkxYTYyZTU4MiJ9fX0=";
// Creating ItemStack
// For Minecraft 1.12.2 and below
final ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM);
item.setDurability((short) 3);
// For Minecraft 1.13 and newer
final ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.PLAYER_HEAD);
// Applying nbt
// For Minecraft 1.20.4 and below
NBT.modify(item, nbt -> {
ReadWriteNBT skullOwnerCompound = nbt.getOrCreateCompound("SkullOwner");
// The owner UUID. Note that skulls with the same UUID but different textures will misbehave and only one texture will load.
// They will share the texture. To avoid this limitation, it is recommended to use a random UUID.
skullOwnerCompound.setUUID("Id", UUID.randomUUID());
.setString("Value", textureValue);
// Workaround for Minecraft 1.20.5+
NBT.modifyComponents(item, nbt -> {
ReadWriteNBT profileNbt = nbt.getOrCreateCompound("minecraft:profile");
profileNbt.setUUID("id", uuid);
ReadWriteNBT propertiesNbt = profileNbt.getCompoundList("properties").addCompound();
propertiesNbt.setString("name", "textures");
propertiesNbt.setString("value", textureValue);
If you are using Paper API on 1.12.2+, you may use the following code to create textured skulls
SkullMeta meta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
PlayerProfile playerProfile = Bukkit.createProfile(uuid);
playerProfile.setProperty(new ProfileProperty("textures", textureValue));
// You can also use item.editMeta(SkullMeta.class, meta -> {}); on 1.17+
This code should serve only as a reference, the nbt structure might change between versions.
Zombie zombie = location.getWorld().spawn(location, Zombie.class);
String attributeName = "minecraft:generic.attack_damage"; // Or generic.attackDamage prior to 1.16
double damageValue = 0.5;
// Modify vanilla data
NBT.modify(zombie, nbt -> {
nbt.setBoolean("CanPickUpLoot", true);
ReadWriteNBTCompoundList list = nbt.getCompoundList("Attributes");
// Check if zombie already has attribute set. If so, modify it
for (ReadWriteNBT listEntryNbt : list) {
if (!listEntryNbt.getString("Name").equals(attributeName)) continue;
listEntryNbt.setDouble("Base", damageValue);
// Attribute is missing, add it instead
ReadWriteNBT listEntryNbt = list.addCompound();
listEntryNbt.setString("Name", attributeName);
listEntryNbt.setDouble("Base", damageValue);
// Modify custom data
NBT.modifyPersistentData(zombie, nbt -> {
// Let's mark our zombie as a custom one
nbt.setBoolean("custom_zombie", true);
// Get main world's folder
File worldDataFolder = Bukkit.getWorlds().getFirst().getWorldFolder();
// Read level data
NBTFile levelNbtFile = new NBTFile(new File(worldDataFolder, "level.dat"));
// Obtain world name
String worldName = levelNbtFile.resolveOrNull("Data.LevelName", String.class);
// Read some player's data
UUID playerUuid;
File playerFile = new File(worldDataFolder, "playerdata/" + playerUuid + ".dat");
if (!playerFile.exists()) {
// No offline player data for provided uuid
NBTFile playerNbtFile = new NBTFile(playerFile);
// Change player's health
float health = playerNbtFile.getFloat("Health");
playerNbtFile.setFloat("Health", health + 5);
// Once finished, save the file