This is a helpful lambda that will notify you about various aws-config
compliance notifications to a given SNS topic.
It is recommended you use the transcom/lambda/aws module to do the deployment. Below is an example:
module "config_notifier" {
source = "transcom/lambda/aws"
version = "3.0.0"
name = "config_notifier"
handler = "handler.handler"
job_identifier = "config_notifier"
runtime = "python3.11"
timeout = "500"
role_policy_arns_count = 2
role_policy_arns = [
github_project = "transcom/aws-config-notifier"
github_release = "v0.1.16"
validation_sha = "c4cf3787ac722e01805b5bc7109926aca4e8dfaed3c555d13a8b6e95a27fc250"
s3_bucket = "example-lambda-builds-us-west-1"
s3_key = "config-notifier/1.6.0/"
cloudwatch_logs_retention_days = var.log_retention_days
source_types = ["events"]
source_arns = [aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.config_notifier_lambda_rule_trigger.arn]
publish = true
env_vars = {
ENVIRONMENT = "exmaple-us-west-1-demo"
NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Non-Compliant Resource Report"
SNS_TOPIC = aws_sns_topic.infra_notif_us_gov_west_1.arn
tags = {
"Service" = "config_notifier"