This AWS Lambda function serves as a means of replicating data from a RDS database to a third-party's S3 bucket. Specifically, it retrieves changes made to a audit history table in the RDS database and exports changes to an S3 bucket in the same AWS account. Additionally, the Database schema is also written out as well.
You will want to edit the source files for this Lambda in the ./src directory. Once you are ready to build a new release package you can do the following:
The build script will ask you the version number you would like to build and create a release package (.zip) in the main directory with that version in the file name.
After a release it is highly recommended that you commit your changes to the repo. You can revert a previous commit if you would like to build a previous version.
SSM Should be seeded with initial JSON data to coordinate the first export and would look like this:
"lastRunTime": "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000",
"serialNumber": 0
"serialNumber": 0,
"lastMD5Hash": "None"