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#International SEO by Transifex

What is Transifex?

== Description ==

The Transifex International SEO is a WordPress plugin designed to be used with Transifex. In order to use Transifex, you will need to sign up here for an account. Please note that a Transifex Live API key is required in order to use the plugin. More information about how to obtain a key can be found in the plugin documentation here if you don't have a key yet.

== Features ==

  • Integrates Transifex into WordPress
  • Adds support for localized language URLs either by subdomain or subdirectory.
  • Adds support rewriting all URLs on the page
  • Automatically adds hreflang tags to your pages.
  • Adds supports for using an external prerendered server for SEO purposes
  • Works with WordPress multisite

== Get Involved ==

Developers can contribute via this repository. Please send a Pull Request.

Translators can contribute new languages to this plugin or our other WordPress plugins through Transifex.

== Minimum Requirements ==

  • WordPress 3.5.2 or greater
  • PHP version 5.4.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater

=== Installation ===

== Automatic Installation ==

To do an automatic install of Transifex Live, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type "Transifex Live" and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. You can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click "yes" and WordPress will automatically complete the installation. After installation a new menu setting option will appear called 'Transifex Live'. You will need to complete the admin form before the plugin will become active.

== Manual Installation ==

Manual installation involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite FTP application.

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin. After installation a new menu setting option will appear called 'Transifex Live'. You will need to complete the admin form before the plugin will become active.

== Upgrading ==

Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.

== Plugin Translations ==

The WP-Translations project for plugin translations can be found here.

== Tips for developers ==

  • The Transifex Live plugin uses Wordpress hooks to manipulate the links found in your website's content, so they always point to the appropriate language. If you use custom post types (or one of your plugins does) that emits the 'the_content' filter, our code might not be triggered.

For those cases, it is recommended to manually trigger our custom filter 'tx_link' before you return your content, as seen in the example below:

Ex. $updated_content = apply_filters('tx_link', $original_content);

  • It is also recommended to use widgets in your theme instead of custom code, since this allows you to make your integration more future proof against incompatibilities with 3rd party modules.

== Changelog == = 1.3.45 = Add support for custom post links hook

= 1.3.44 = Fix for language picker

= 1.3.43 = Fix for archive pages with customized slug

= 1.3.42 = Toggle canonical URLs

= 1.3.41 = Remove source subdirectory hreflang

= 1.3.40 = Fix hrefland in source alternate tag

= 1.3.39 = Add subdirectory rewrite rules for archive pages of custom post types

= 1.3.38 = Fix for hierarchical custom post types Fix for urls start with en Add hreflang x-default tag Add source language in published languages

= 1.3.37 = Support Wordpress custom permalink slugs

= 1.3.36 = Support Wordpress custom post types

= 1.3.35 = Support Transifex live settings translate_urls

= 1.3.34 = Support Wordpress installation in a subfolder

= 1.3.33 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (6.2)

= 1.3.32 = Maintenance release

= 1.3.31 = Maintenance release

= 1.3.30 = Maintenance release

= 1.3.29 = Update documentation urls

= 1.3.28 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (6.0)

= 1.3.27 = Fix hreflang

= 1.3.26 = Skip static when calling prerender

= 1.3.25 = Fix deprecated implode and unparenthesized warnings

= 1.3.24 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (5.6)

= 1.3.23 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (5.5)

= 1.3.22 = Fix a bug related with the generation of the HTTP version of the links that have the hreflang attribute.

= 1.3.21 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (5.4)

= 1.3.20 = Update the latest tested WordPress version (5.3.2)

= 1.3.19 = Fix subfolder url rewritting for external domains

= 1.3.18 = Update the latest tested Wordpress version Add metrics for Wordpress versions used by the plugin

= 1.3.17 = Add missing prerender value to Transifex live settings

= 1.3.16 = Add link filter hook for custom type blocks

= 1.3.15 = Add filter for custom rewrite rules

= 1.3.14 = Add hook for handling content's url rewrites

= 1.3.13 = Support X-Transifex-Lang header to set correct language for prerender request Minor fixes in the way prerender url is handled

= 1.3.12 = Minor fixes

= 1.3.11 = Support Live's manifest.jsonp file

= 1.3.10 = Update keywords

= 1.3.9 = Cosmetic changes to plugin copy and assets

= 1.3.8 = Added staging checkbox to admin page

= 1.3.7 = Fix to allow custom hreflang code and enhanced subdomain language detection

= 1.3.6 = Patch release for rewrite fix when locale is in url

= 1.3.5 = Patch release for improved static front page support

= 1.3.4 = Minor patch release, cleared up some minor warning issues

= 1.3.3 = A few minor fixes. Revised admin UI

= 1.3.2 = Added additional Prerender options for caching

= 1.3.1 = Patch for Prerender logic

= 1.3.0 = Fixed support for PHP 5.4 Fixed hreflang tag output for subdirectories Improved admin UI Added picker support that respects locale Additional admin API key validation Added Prerendering capability Fixed some timing issues with the WP loop

= 1.2.0 = Added support for subdomains Added reverse lookups for many link types

= 1.1.0 = Cleaned up readme and notes Fixed brittle js ordering and namespace Removed settings that can now be controlled in Transifex Live dashboard Initial implementation of SEO and lang urls SEO and lang urls feature switch set to off Removing staging option (use Transifex dashboard to control it) SEO and lang urls and HREFLANG enabled Custom language picker color options removed

= 1.0.0 = Full release. Restructured plugin to follow boilerplate. Added unit tests.