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Releases: transifex/transifex-sync-zendesk

Add retries mechanism to Zendesk article translations update

26 May 14:22
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Apply a retries mechanism in order to call the failed request at some other point in time which could lead to a successful response. The mechanism is a backoff retry with jitter. The number of retries is 5 per request.

Small fix for search across all locales

17 Mar 11:45
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Merge pull request #140 from transifex/devel

Bringing master in line with devel

Automatically update resource names, upgrade to Zendesk App Framework v2, and bug fixes

02 Mar 17:57
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  • When you rename an article, etc. in Zendesk, the name of the corresponding resource in Transifex will be updated when you push the source content again
  • Upgrade to Zendesk App Framework v2
  • Squashed bugs related to adding brands and credentials

Pre-release of version 1.2.2

11 Aug 18:42
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Initial alpha of version 1.2.2

  • Refactored project structure (includes adding gulp, browser tests, and an ES6 repl)
  • Added feature to save articles as HTML
  • Updated Article Sync page to include sorting and batch UI
  • Updated data layout for sync pages
  • Added additional raw data views for resources

Release of version 1.1.4

30 Sep 00:06
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Improved] Added retry for failures on Tx resources
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same
[Fixed] Changes requested by Zendesk


#34 #26 #31 #32

Pre-release of version 1.1.4

09 Sep 21:35
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Improved] Added retry for failures on Tx resources
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same
[Fixed] Changes requested by Zendesk


#34 #26 #31 #32

Pre-release of version 1.1.3

09 Sep 20:15
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Improved] Added retry for failures on Tx resources
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same
[Fixed] Changes requested by Zendesk


#34 #26 #31 #32

Pre-release of version 1.1.2

25 Aug 23:09
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Improved] Added retry for failures on Tx resources
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same


#34 #26 #31 #32

Pre-release of version 1.1.1

25 Aug 16:15
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same


#34 #26 #31 #32

Pre-release of version 1.1.0

24 Aug 17:10
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[Improved] App is more resilient to Tx API call failures
[Improved] Zendesk object title now displays on mouse-over
[Improved] API timeout calls and the secure param moved to settings
[Improved] Upload and download buttons now 'activate' after successful API call
[Fixed] Added support for new organization/project urls
[Fixed] Added regional mapping from Tx when both the locale and region are the same


#34 #26 #31 #32