Magic: The Gathering Online OCR from arbitrary screen selection in Python
- This will pop up a window on your main screen to select a bounding box to search for multiple cards.
- Drag from top left to bottom right, type 'w' to confirm selection
- A second window will pop up to show cards and their names as found by cv2 and identified by tesseract
- While the second window is open, you can scroll slowly through any number of cards, type 'q' to exit this window
- On close, the total unqiue list of cards seen is compiled, and card details are retrieved from Scryfall fuzzy search API
- Example usage: Youtube Example
- It's recommended to make the individual card size as large as possible in mtgo.
- Code has only been run on windows, Mac OS and Linux use at your own risk.
- Google how to set up tesseract
- If your python cannot find the executable from PATH, add the line
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
to the beginning
- To speed up processing, a forked pytesseract is in the repo, the change implements tesseract read from stdin rather than writing image to disk, based on this comment
- An attempt at multithreading was made in
but is much slower, even after limiting tesseract to single-threaded. Slightly more accurate, but twice as slow.
- pytesseract fork in repo
- cv2
- pynput