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77 Commits

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To Do

  • Style exported PDF
  • PDF cleaning function (delete PDFs created after x hours)
  • Street View Images
  • Google Gemini Integration
  • Style property page
  • Search by town, using same template as search by last name

API Docs

Paths Link
GET / Documentation
POST /search Documentation
GET /property Documentation
GET /random Documentation
POST /newBatchJob Documentation
GET /getJobStatus/ Documentation
GET /stats Documentation
GET /last-names/ Documentation
GET /town-names Documentation


Description: returns basic stats about the server's health Parameters: none Example:


  "mongo": {
    "serverTime": "2024-10-22T22:12:10.045Z",
    "mongoVersion": "8.0.1",
    "uptimeSeconds": 193652
  "express": {
    "expressVersion": "4.21.1"


Description: searches the real estate database for a search term(s) Parameters:

Parameter Description Example
town Town a property is located in "Oakland"
zip Zip code of a property 94015
state US State abreviation of a property MN
time Epoch time when property was scraped (range) "1729440645-1729640645"
marketPriceRange Price of a property in USD (range) "100000-200000"
landUse Description of how property is used (ie. home, vacant) (case unsensative match) "Vacant"
taxes Property tax paid by owner in last available year (range) "1000-5000"
landSize Land size in square meters (range) "100-1000"
yearBuilt What year construction of the property was completed "2015"
owner Name of the owner, could be a gov't, person, company, etc. (case unsensative match) "Johnson"
limit Maximum number of results to return, 10 by default 8

Note: a request must contain at least one of the parameters above. A 400 error will be returned otherwise.

POST /search
{"state": "MA", "yearBuilt": "1990", "limit": 4}

  "results": [
      "_id": "6716b9e056ac4729f23345af",
      "owner": [
          "fullName": "DOSSANTOS, DAIN",
          "firstName": "DAIN",
          "middleName": null,
          "lastName": "DOSSANTOS"
          "fullName": "DOSSANTOS, LISA",
          "firstName": "LISA",
          "middleName": null,
          "lastName": "DOSSANTOS"
      "yearBuilt": "1990",
      "landSize": 9847.955390334573,
      "streetAddressDetails": {
        "town": "Attleboro",
        "state": "MA",
        "zip": "02703"
      "streetAddress": "474 Pike Ave, Attleboro, MA 02703",
      "marketValue": null,
      "taxYear": "2024",
      "taxes": 6940,
      "landUse": "1-FAMILY RESIDENCE",
      "verboseTransaction": {
        "lastMarketSale": {
          "pricePerArea": 19.144981412639407,
          "value": 385000,
          "seller": "GINGRAS, PAMELA J",
          "buyer": "DOSSANTOS, LISA; DOSSANTOS, DAIN",
          "filingDate": "2007-08-13T00:00:00.000Z",
          "transferDate": "2007-08-13T00:00:00.000Z",
          "documentNumber": "39966",
          "documentTypeCode": "DE",
          "documentTypeDescription": "DEED",
          "lender": "BANKBOSTON",
          "loan": {
            "code": null,
            "description": null,
            "first": 365750,
            "second": 0
          "sale": {
            "code": "D",
            "description": "FULL AMOUNT STATED ON DOCUMENT"
          "titleCompany": null,
          "tdDocumentNumber": null,
          "deedTransactionType": "2",
          "lenderType": null
        "priorMarketSale": {
          "transferDate": null,
          "lender": "BANKBOSTON"
        "multipleApnFlag": null
      "assessmentVerbose": {
        "alternateApn": null,
        "apn": "ATTL M:123 L:26C",
        "assessedValue": {
          "total": 545200,
          "land": 166000,
          "improvements": 379200,
          "year": "2024"
        "marketValue": {
          "total": null,
          "land": null,
          "improvements": null,
          "year": null
        "improvementPercent": 69.55,
        "lot": {
          "lotNumber": "26C",
          "blockNumber": null,
          "depth": 0,
          "width": 0,
          "size": 9510.121000000001
        "poolIndicator": null,
        "zoning": {
          "assessment": "R1"
        "book": null,
        "page": null,
        "avm": "688333"
      "geoPolygon": {
        "wkt": "POLYGON ((-71.2502803204144 41.9387706595702, -71.2478263941595 41.9395136159165, -71.2480242965772 41.9397092783677, -71.2483321435762 41.9399544107506, -71.2498771316927 41.9392475253938, -71.2505014410661 41.9390555942292, -71.2503770534419 41.9389114135517, -71.2502803204144 41.9387706595702))"
      "lightboxParcelID": "0203O49SWWT5PWTQUMWXDD",
      "id": "dbf7d616-7afa-4917-afc4-82bd639614cf",
      "scrapedAt": 1729542625


Description: search a property by internal ID Parameters:

Parameter Description Example
id Internal UUID "cafa94cc-0ce3-4a24-8473-307e45acd925"


GET /property?id=12586302-d60c-4fc9-a940-8e9526fa63e7

  "results": [
      "_id": "671661fe28c055cb0533443b",
      "owner": [
          "fullName": "SCHMUCKER, JANNAKEN H",
          "firstName": "JANNAKEN",
          "middleName": "H",
          "lastName": "SCHMUCKER"
      "yearBuilt": "1984",
      "landSize": 2223.791821561338,
      "streetAddressDetails": {
        "town": "Harmony",
        "state": "NC",
        "zip": "28634"
      "streetAddress": "214 Skyview Lake Rd, Harmony, NC 28634",
      "marketValue": 39480,
      "taxYear": "2023",
      "taxes": 293,
      "landUse": "MOBILE HOME (SINGLE WIDE)",
      "verboseTransaction": {
        "lastMarketSale": {
          "pricePerArea": 1.20817843866171,
          "value": 23500,
          "seller": "U S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ; THE CIM TRUST 2019 R2,",
          "buyer": "SCHMUCKER, JANNAKEN H",
          "filingDate": "2021-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",
          "transferDate": "2021-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",
          "documentNumber": null,
          "documentTypeCode": "SW",
          "documentTypeDescription": "SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED",
          "lender": null,
          "loan": {
            "code": null,
            "description": null,
            "first": 0,
            "second": 0
          "sale": {
            "code": "2",
            "description": "FULL AMOUNT STATED ON DOCUMENT."
          "titleCompany": "NONE AVAILABLE",
          "tdDocumentNumber": null,
          "deedTransactionType": "2",
          "lenderType": null
        "priorMarketSale": {
          "transferDate": null,
          "lender": ""
        "multipleApnFlag": "2"
      "assessmentVerbose": {
        "alternateApn": null,
        "apn": "4880-72-0120.000",
        "assessedValue": {
          "total": 39480,
          "land": 16500,
          "improvements": 22980,
          "year": "2023"
        "marketValue": {
          "total": 39480,
          "land": 16500,
          "improvements": 22980,
          "year": "2023"
        "improvementPercent": 58.2,
        "lot": {
          "lotNumber": null,
          "blockNumber": "72",
          "depth": 0,
          "width": 30.48,
          "size": 2266.2416000000003
        "poolIndicator": null,
        "zoning": {
          "assessment": "RA"
        "book": null,
        "page": null,
        "avm": "179000"
      "geoPolygon": {
        "wkt": "POLYGON ((-80.7330227014574 35.9413053730385, -80.7326738815006 35.9413463479847, -80.7331354423624 35.9419379811794, -80.7334762696038 35.9419095266428, -80.7330227014574 35.9413053730385))"
      "lightboxParcelID": "0205JTGBMUL64JFU55G8BO",
      "id": "12586302-d60c-4fc9-a940-8e9526fa63e7",
      "scrapedAt": 1729520126


Description: get a random property


Parameter Description Example
limit Number of results to return (maximum of 10) 5
GET /random?limit=3

  "results": [
      "_id": "67169a8eb427f84b2e33446d",
      "owner": [
          "fullName": "PALMER, DEBORAH A",
          "firstName": "DEBORAH",
          "middleName": "A",
          "lastName": "PALMER"
      "yearBuilt": "2021",
      "landSize": 33231.87732342008,
      "streetAddressDetails": {
        "town": "Robbins",
        "state": "TN",
        "zip": "37852"
      "streetAddress": "1632 Chambers Rd, Robbins, TN 37852",
      "marketValue": 181300,
      "taxYear": null,
      "taxes": null,
      "verboseTransaction": {
        "lastMarketSale": {
          "pricePerArea": 9.200743494423792,
          "value": 199845,
          "seller": "CMH HOMES INC,",
          "buyer": "PALMER, DEBORAH A",
          "filingDate": "2022-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "transferDate": "2022-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "documentNumber": "22000245",
          "documentTypeCode": "SW",
          "documentTypeDescription": "SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED",
          "lender": null,
          "loan": {
            "code": "F",
            "description": "FHA",
            "first": 196224,
            "second": 0
          "sale": {
            "code": "2",
            "description": "FULL AMOUNT STATED ON DOCUMENT."
          "titleCompany": null,
          "tdDocumentNumber": "22000246",
          "deedTransactionType": "9",
          "lenderType": null
        "priorMarketSale": {
          "transferDate": null,
          "lender": ""
        "multipleApnFlag": null
      "assessmentVerbose": {
        "alternateApn": null,
        "apn": "076103    04322",
        "assessedValue": {
          "total": 45325,
          "land": 10150,
          "improvements": 35175,
          "year": "2023"
        "marketValue": {
          "total": 181300,
          "land": 40600,
          "improvements": 140700,
          "year": "2023"
        "improvementPercent": 77.6,
        "lot": {
          "lotNumber": "12",
          "blockNumber": null,
          "depth": 0,
          "width": 0,
          "size": 35248.15060000001
        "poolIndicator": null,
        "zoning": {
          "assessment": null
        "book": null,
        "page": null,
        "avm": "200000"
      "geoPolygon": {
        "wkt": "POLYGON ((-84.5540007859041 36.3751251330068, -84.5540455772402 36.3752716861829, -84.5541070292999 36.3754792505416, -84.5541297445721 36.3756758415856, -84.5541244564711 36.3758570603431, -84.5540923742572 36.3760667816543, -84.5580108691485 36.3763710362752, -84.5581178540739 36.3756314510571, -84.5540007859041 36.3751251330068))"
      "lightboxParcelID": "0201UFJCWJLS9B5VXJE0DF",
      "id": "0746b099-dfc3-48e3-b3af-628f4704259f",
      "scrapedAt": 1729534606


Description: add a new PDF export job to the queue. Returns the ID of the job once it has been created.


Parameter Description Example
id Property ID (found under frontend url /p/) NjczMTY3YWQxOTc5OGU1MDM3MDY0NmMy
POST /newExportJob

{"id": "NjczMTY3YWQxOTc5OGU1MDM3MDY0NmMy"}

  "success": true,
  "jobID": "67376e3f58f0fef9582a473a"


Get progress update on a PDF export job.


Parameter Description Example
id Job ID (returned from /newExportJob) 6736da103c511a7b978650a9
GET /getJobStatus/6736da103c511a7b978650a9

# In-progress example:

  "isCompleted": false,
  "downloadLink": null

# Completed Example

  "isCompleted": true,
  "downloadLink": "http://localhost:3001/uploads/2024/11/15/3c50b6ee-d105-47af-b247-587eeb2b4a61.pdf"


Returns basic statistics about the real estate data. Data is cached for 12 hours, and is saved in cache.json under the API folder.


Returns the list of unique last names across the state, sorted alphabetically. A page contains 10 last names. Page count starts at 1.

GET /last-names/12384

    "lastName": "SHLOSSER"
    "lastName": "SHMAD"
    "lastName": "SHMAYS"
    "lastName": "SHMELZER"
    "lastName": "SHMERKOVICH"
    "lastName": "SHMERLING"
    "lastName": "SHMUKLER"
    "lastName": "SHMULEVICH"
    "lastName": "SHMULSKY"
    "lastName": "SHMYGLA"


Returns the list of unique town names across the state, sorted alphabetically. A page contains 10 town names. Page count starts at 1.

GET /town-names/4

    "townName": "Barnstable"
    "townName": "Barre"
    "townName": "Becket"
    "townName": "Bedford"
    "townName": "Belchertown"
    "townName": "Bellingham"
    "townName": "Belmont"
    "townName": "Berkley"
    "townName": "Berlin"
    "townName": "Bernardston"


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published