The Tripda Search Worker has the RabbitMQ consumers to do create, update and delete actions into ElasticSearch. Its core was written using ruby programming language and Sneakers framework.
- Ruby 1.9.3 >
- Tripda-Search-Box
- Bundler 1.9.6
- Sneakers 1.0.4
- Redis 3.2.1
- Elasticsearch-api 1.0.7
Using the Tripda-Search-Box execute the commands below:
- sudo apt-get install ruby-full
- sudo gem install sneakers
- sudo gem install bundler
Enter into repository root and execute the command below:
- bundler install
- sudo service rabbitmq-server start
- sudo rabbitmqctl add_user test test
- sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
- sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost /trip
- sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /trip test "." "." ".*"
- sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
- ruby search_worker.rb start
- ruby search_worker.rb stop
- ruby search_worker.rb run
- ruby search_worker.rb status
Change config.dist.yml to config.yml
Access the rabbitmq panel:
- user: test
- pass: test
After, access the exchange page and click in "" to open the exchange and compose a message. To compose a message choose a routing key and put a json into payload.