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1. Introduction

Andrew Wooldridge edited this page Aug 26, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to STIM!

If you have stumbled across this region of the Internet, I humbly welcome you! STIM is a web based application intended to allow you to write simple Interactive Fiction games on your mobile device. There are so many ways to consume content with your phone, but do little ways to be creative. STIM is the first attempt at helping anyone who has a desire to tell stories in an interactive way to do it while they are on their phone, perhaps riding the train to work.

This is an open source project, and I hope after you try STIM out, you file bugs, give feedback, and even perhaps consider contributing sometime!

You are standing in the center of a busy park. There is a water fountain next to you with beautiful fish swimming idly around. You have three choices:

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