The command parser used in trollsmile-djs, trollsmile-cli, and trollsmile-web.
npm i trollsmile-core
import Trollsmile from 'trollsmile-core'
// first type argument is the message type (if trollsmile sees a "content" property on the message, it will use that. if it doesn't, then it converts the message to a string)
// second type argument is the command. must have a run function
class Bot extends Trollsmile<string> {
filter (message) {
return true // this is if you need to say filter out messages from other bots. the message argument is the message type
const bot = new Bot('-') // the prefix
bot.commmands.set('hello', {
run: () => 'world!'
bot.emit('message', '-hello')
another example (trollsmile-djs)
class Bot extends Trollsmile<Message, CommandObj> {
filter = (msg: Message) => !
client: Client
constructor(prefix: string, token = process.env.TOKEN) {
this.client = new Client({
ws: {
intents: [Intents.NON_PRIVILEGED]
this.on('output', ([out, message]) => {
// Load in events
this.client.on('message', msg=>{
this.emit('message', msg)
this.on('error', ([err, message]) => {{
embed: {
author: {
name: `${this.client.user?.username} ran into an error while running your command!`,
// iconURL: this.user?.avatarURL()
title: err.toString(),
color: 'RED'