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Create valid JavaScript objects

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Create objects and validate the values, so you know all values are ok. You don't have to create code to validate all fields of an object, just write a schema. Also get more usefull methods to work with objects.


npm install @trojs/objects or yarn add @trojs/objects

Test the package

npm run test or yarn test


For validate the objects, it use the package @trojs/validation ( It will throw an error if the object isnt valid. For all posibilities, check the validation package readme.


Example usage:

import { Obj } from '@trojs/objects'

const addressSchema = {
    street: String,
    number: Number,
    postalCode: String,
    city: String,
    country: String,

const Address = Obj({ schema: addressSchema })

const myAddress = Address.create({
    street: 'Abc',
    number: 42,
    postalCode: '1234AB',
    city: 'Example',
    country: 'The Netherlands'


    street: 'Abc',
    number: 42,
    postalCode: '1234AB',
    city: 'Example',
    country: 'The Netherlands'

You can also define sub schemas:

import { Obj } from '@trojs/objects'

const filterSchema = {
  key: String,
  type: String

const optionSchema = {
  value: String,
  'count?': Number

const selectFilterSchema = {
  options: optionSchema

const SelectFilter = Obj({ schema: selectFilterSchema })

const multiselect = SelectFilter.create({
    key: 'status',
    type: 'multiselect',
    options: [
            value: 'open',
            count: 42
            value: 'closed'


    street: 'status',
    number: 'multiselect',
    options: [
            value: 'open',
            count: 42
            value: 'closed'

Catching validation errors:

try {
    const multiselect = SelectFilter.create({
        key: 'status',
        options: [
                value: 'open',
                count: 42
                value: 'closed'
} catch (error) {

'The field type should be a String'

You can also map the values:

const testSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Number,

const Test = Obj({ schema: testSchema });

const input = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,

const test = Test.create(input)

const mappedResults = => x * 2)

// Or you can do:
const double = (x) => x * 2
const mappedResults2 =


    a: 2,
    b: 4,

You can also filter the values:

const testSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Number,

const Test = Obj({ schema: testSchema });

const input = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,

const test = Test.create(input)

const filteredResults = test.filter((x) => x === 1)

// Or you can do:
const onlyOne = (x) => x === 1
const filteredResults2 = test.filter(onlyOne)


    a: 1,

You can also use every:

const testSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Number,

const Test = Obj({ schema: testSchema });

const input = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,

const test = Test.create(input)

const everythingIsBelowThree = test.every((x) => x < 3)

// Or you can do:
const isBelowThree = (x) => x < 3
const everythingIsBelowThree2 = test.every(isBelowThree)



You can also use some:

const testSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Number,

const Test = Obj({ schema: testSchema });

const input = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,

const test = Test.create(input)

const someAreTwo = test.some((x) => x === 2)

// Or you can do:
const isTwo = (x) => x === 2
const someAreTwo2 = test.some(isTwo)



If you have some data, and you have to transform the data to the schema, you can use the parse method.

const subSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Boolean,
    'c?': String,

const testSchema = {
    a: Number,
    b: Boolean,
    'c?': String,

const Test = Obj({ schema: testSchema });

const input = {
    a: '42',
    b: 'true',
    c: 42,
    subSchema: {
        a: '42',
        b: 'true',
        c: 42,


    a: 42,
    b: true,
    c: '42',
    subSchema: {
        a: 42,
        b: true,
        c: '42',

Example usage without a schema: ...

const flatter = Obj().create({
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [3, 4],
    d: { e: 5, f: 6 },
    g: { h: { i: 7 } }

You can get the flat object by:


    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    "c.0": 3,
    "c.1": 4,
    "d.e": 5,
    "d.f": 6,
    "g.h.i": 7

You can get the object entries by:


    ["a", 1],
    ["b", 2],
    ["c.0", 3],
    ["c.1", 4],
    ["d.e", 5],
    ["d.f", 6],
    ["g.h.i", 7]

You can get the object keys by:


["a", "b", "c.0", "c.1", "d.e", "d.f", "g.h.i"]

You can get the object values by:


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

You can get the object length by:



You can get by key by:



Or set a fallback value by:

flatter.getByKey("x.y.z", 42)


{ e: 5, f: 6 }

Check if the object has a key:



Check if the object has key includes a value:



You can get only some fields from the object:

flatter.getKeys(['a', 'c', 'd.e', 'g.h'])

    a: 1,
    c: [3, 4],
    'd.e': 5,
    'g.h': { i: 7 },

And you can also get some fields from the object in the flat format:

flatter.getFlatKeys(['a', 'c', 'd.e', 'g.h'])

    a: 1,
    'c.0': 3,
    'c.1': 4,
    'd.e': 5,
    'g.h.i': 7,

And you can also use the map method:

flatter.flatMap((x) => x * 2)

    a: 2,
    b: 4,
    'c.0': 6,
    'c.1': 8,
    'd.e': 10,
    'd.f': 12,
    'g.h.i': 14,

And you can also use the flatFilter method:

const flatter = Obj().create({
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [1, 2],
    d: { e: 1, f: 2 },
    g: { h: { i: 1 } }

flatter.flatFilter((x) => x === 1)

    a: 1,
    'c.0': 1,
    'd.e': 1,
    'g.h.i': 1,

And you can also use the flatEvery method:

const flatter = Obj().create({
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [1, 2],
    d: { e: 1, f: 2 },
    g: { h: { i: 1 } }

flatter.flatEvery((x) => x < 3)


And you can also use the flatSome method:

const flatter = Obj().create({
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [1, 2],
    d: { e: 1, f: 2 },
    g: { h: { i: 1 } }

flatter.flatSome((x) => x === 2)


For arrays you can also use createAll and parseAll. It works the same as create and parse but it can do it on every item in an array.