When setting device_tracker domain it will add per host device tracker, "unsee" command takes place after 1 hour due to EdgeOS late update
configuration: edgeos: #Hostname / IP host: !secret edge_os_host #Supports SSL (true/false) - should be true ssl: !secret edge_os_ssl #Username of EdgeOS username: !secret edge_os_username #Password of EdgeOS password: !secret edge_os_password #Path to the certificate (full-chain) cert_file: !secret ssl_certificate #List of interfaces monitored_interfaces: - eth0 #List of network devices to monitor monitored_devices: - PC1 - PC2 #Optional - Allowed values: # '' - represents bytes # 'K' - represents Kilobytes # 'M' - represents Megabytes unit: 'M'device_tracker: - platform: edgeos #List of network devices to treat as device tracker hosts: - MOBILE-PHONE
custom_updater: track: - components component_urls: - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elad-bar/ha-edgeos/master/edgeos.json