EstimateHabitat is a selection of files used to calculate the changes in light conditions in the upper part of the water column in the ocean accounting for thickness of sea-ice and snow andgorgraphical locations and time of the year. The files area a combination of Fortran and Python files compiled using Cython (
- 02.05.2018: Added the files to Github
- Compile: A cython function which is found in the file calculateLightUnderIce.pyx is compiled with: python build_ext --inplace
- Download the NorESM historical and future predictions files (any scenario) as input: {variable} and {variable} where variable is all of ["sit", "sic", "snd", "ialb", "tos"]
- is run first and creates an output file:
- Execute to calculate the geographical changes in tos and light combined for decadal periods