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Terraform Bridgecrew Cloudtrail Integration

Maintained by GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Terraform Version CircleCI

Installation Options

This is a terraform module that creates an Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudTrail integration with Bridgecrew.

Starting fresh

This stack is created with all the best practices and CIS benchmark requirements:

  1. A dedicated CMK is created, with rotation enabled.
  2. A CloudTrail trail is created, and it's logs are encrypted-at-rest using the dedicated CMK.
  3. The logs bucket has Versioning enabled and denies unsecure (non-HTTPS) connections.

Connecting to an existing CloudTrail trail

The module supports connecting to an existing CloudTrail trail. This requires 3 inputs:

  1. Setting create_cloudtrail to false.
  2. Supplying the name of the bucket where the CloudTrail logs are being saved to, as existing_bucket_name.
  3. Supplying the ARN of the SNS used by the trail to notify of new logs, in existing_sns_arn. This can be configured manually on the existing trail.

Creating a CloudTrail trail and other infrastructure in seperate AWS accounts

This module supports creating a CloudTrail trail in one account, and creating the rest of the infrastructure in a seperate account. This may be optimal in cases where you want an organization trail from the organization master, but you want it to send logs to a bucket in a logs account.

In the bucket destination account

  1. Set create_cloudtrail to false.
  2. Set source_account_id to the account that will host the cloudtrail

In the trail source account

  1. Set existing_bucket_name, existing_kms_key_arn, and existing_sns_arn to values output in the previous step
  2. Set create_bridgecrew_connection to false

In both accounts, be sure to set the organization_id if this is an organization-wide trail.

Importing existing AWS CloudFormation





Name Required? Type Default Value Example Value Description
company_name YES String testcustomer The name of the customer. Must be alphanumeric.
account_alias NO String prod The alias of the account the CF is deployed in. This will be prepended to all the resources in the stack. Default is {company_name}-bc
create_cloudtrail NO Boolean true false Indicate whether a new CloudTrail trail should be created.
create_bridgecrew_connection NO Boolean true false Indicate whether an SNS queue and role for Bridgecrew should be created in this account.
log_file_prefix NO String cloudtrail The prefix which will be given to all the log files saved to the bucket.
existing_sns_arn NO String arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:090772183824:test-bc-bridgecrewcws When connecting to an existing SNS topic, please supply the trail's SNS ARN.
existing_bucket_name NO String test-bc-bridgecrewcws When connecting to an existing CloudTrail bucket, please supply the bucket name (NOT ARN).
existing_kms_key_arn NO String arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:090772183824:key/c79ebdc6-bb68-4e83-805f-be5304c10f1e When using an existing KMS Key (to be accessed by Bridgecrew), specify the existing KMS key ARN.
security_account_id NO String "" 12345678900 When connecting to a centralized CloudTrail bucket setup, please supply the ID of the AWS account that hosts the CloudTrail log bucket. We must be deployed in that central logging account beforehand for the integration to work correctly.
source_account_id NO String 090772183824 When cloudtrail in another account is connecting to buckets and sns topics in this account, specify the account ID of that account.
organization_id NO String o-sv720a91a0 When creating an organization-wide cloudtrail from the organization master.
logs_bucket_id NO String cloudtrail-logs-bucket Bucket to place access logs from the cloudtrail bucket (defaults to no logs)
logs_file_expiration NO Number 30 90 How long to keep Cloudtrail logs in the bucket.
debug_policy NO Bool true false Whether to give Bridgecrew read-only debugging access.


Name Example Value Description
stack_id arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:090772183824:stack/test-bridgecrew/daeed550-fa25-11e9-b98a-0e23fbf2c85e The identifier of the stack that was created


Integrate your AWS account Cloudtrail with Bridgecrew







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