A PHP wrapper for the Spark REST API. This version has enough differences from version 1 that upgrading will require changes to existing code.
For additional information on the PHP client, visit the wiki.
For full information on the API, see http://sparkplatform.com/docs
// include the Spark core which autoloads other classes as necessary
// connect using Spark API authentication
$api = new SparkAPI_APIAuth("api_key_goes_here", "api_secret_goes_here");
// identify your application (optional)
// authenticate
$result = $api->Authenticate();
if ($result === false) {
echo "API Error Code: {$api->last_error_code}<br>\n";
echo "API Error Message: {$api->last_error_mess}<br>\n";
// get your listings
$result = $api->GetMyListings();
Alternatively, if you cannot find the appropriate helper method,
try our "get", "post", "put", or "delete" methods from Core.php.
$result = $api->get("my/listings");
// see the included examples.php for more complete usage
A list of all API error codes can be found here.