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Truefoundry Google Cloud Network Module


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.4
google ~> 6.0
time ~> 0.12


Name Version
time ~> 0.12


Name Source Version
cloud_router terraform-google-modules/cloud-router/google 6.2.0
network terraform-google-modules/network/google 9.3.0


Name Type
time_sleep.wait_2_mins resource


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Name of the cluster string n/a yes
enable_flow_logs Enable flow logs for subnets bool false no
enable_private_access Private access for subnets bool true no
network_id ID of the existing network. Only used when use_existing_network is set to true string "" no
network_vpc_secondary_ranges List of secondary ranges
range_name = string
ip_cidr_range = string
[] no
private_subnet_cidr CIDR range for private subnet string "" no
project_id Project ID in which clusters are deployed string n/a yes
region Region to deploy your cluster in string n/a yes
routing_mode Routing mode for the network string "GLOBAL" no
subnet_id ID of the existing subnet. Only used when use_existing_network is set to true string "" no
use_existing_network If true will not create the network and forward the input values to the same outputs. bool false no


Name Description
network_id ID of the network
subnet_id ID of the subnet