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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2019. It is now read-only.

Releases: trufflesuite/drizzle-react-components-legacy


07 Mar 16:36
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The big thing for this release is that the React 16.3 context API is now officially supported! We've also added some other tasty features and fixed a bunch of bugs.


  1. Add support for React 16.3 context! 🎉 (#63) (this is a non-breaking change, legacy context components are still the default for now, but this will change with our next major version)
  2. Add test apps for legacy context and new context so users can see how things are used (#62, #63)
  3. Make our code prettier and easier to contribute to! Add eslint, husky, prettier, lint staged (#64)


  1. Fix npm link not working (#58)
  2. Fix legacy React contract data not updating with props (#57)
  3. Prevent page refresh on enter pressed (#45, thanks to @maxme)
  4. Fix contract form bytes32 bug (#43, thanks again @maxme!)
  5. Fix not rendering array in ContractData (#46, thanks to @st3c)


  1. Add AccountData to README (#74)
  2. Add contributing docs (#73)
  3. Refactors to fix lint errors (#67)
  4. Point npm listing to github repo (#76)


04 Aug 21:04
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  • Adds a sendArgs prop to ContractForm. Allows you to specify an object with to, from, gas and gasPrice options for sending the transaction.
  • ContractData now renders boolean values (thanks to @mnaamani for #24).



27 Mar 07:59
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To coincide with the 1.1.0 release of drizzle, we've added a new component for easily displaying account information (including the newly tracked account balances 👛).

New Features

  • New <AccountData /> component, for display of account address and balance for a given index.
    • props:
      • accountIndex (int): Index of the account to use. Zero is the first account.
      • units (string): Denomination of the balance. Defaults to wei. For a reference of possible values see the web3 1.0 docs on the fromWei() function.
      • precision (int): Number of decimal places.


  • Distribution minified.


24 Feb 19:59
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Why version 1.0.1? To keep the GitHub releases in sync with the NPM package versions.

Current components include:

  • LoadingContainer: This components wraps your entire app (but within the DrizzleProvider) and will show a loading screen until Drizzle, and therefore web3 and your contracts, are initialized.
  • ContractData: Displays data from the store based on a contract call().
  • ContractForm: Automatically generates a form based on a contract send() function.

Check out the detailed readme or our documentation. For future releases, these notes will document fixes, additions, subtractions and changes.