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trump-docker Build Status

This repository contains Docker images and a Docker compose file for the TRUMP project.


All Images can be found on Docker hub so you can just pull them with docker-compose pull and start everything with docker-compose up. If you want to build the images by yourself, use docker-compose up --build.

Some containers can be configured by editing the respective env file in its folder.

docker-compose starts all images except for trump-preprocessing, which should only be run manually to update the database contents (see below).




The project consists of six images, some of them depending on each other.


This image runs a postgresql database with the postgis extension to store the OSM data for Mapnik and the area server. A volume is used to store the postgres data persistently.


This image is used to download and import OSM data into the postgres database as well as preprocess data for the area Container. Dependencies for preprocessing will be compiled on each run. Assuming the docker-compose network with its containers is running, this container can be started using docker run --network=trump-docker_default --env-file=./preprocessing/env -it slothofanarchy/trump-preprocessing:latest. The env file for this Image contains the URL of the OSM source file (OSM_INPUT_URL) as well as flags to enable importing data and/or preprocessing data. The default is to only run preprocessing.


This is an image running Mapnik with apache2 and openstreetmap-carto. It sources its OSM data from the postgis container. It also serves the mapnik-tile-api.


This image runs the modular_osm_label_server, which gets its data from the label_pipeline. The source URL is set in the label/env file. The download and conversion process may later be repeated by running docker exec -it <container name or ID> update-labels.


This image serves the area-server, which gets its data from the postgis container. The area-types repository is included.


This image serves the area-simplification-client via nginx and acts as an reverse proxy to the APIs of other containers. In its env file, the URIs for the reverse proxied upstreams can be configured, defaulting to the APIs provided by the other containers.


If you clone this repository to /opt/trump-docker, you may use the provided systemd service to run the project. There is also a service and corresponding minutely timer to update the containers if some images changed upstream.