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Gamejolt API for Lua/Love


This library requires the following libraries in order to work:

Load it like this:

local gamejolt = require("gamejolt_api")

See the gamejolt api documentation


The library is split into 5 groups:

  1. Users
  2. Sessions
  3. Trophies
  4. Scores
  5. Data store

The user group consists of 3 functions:

  • gamejolt:users_fetch_uname(username) - fetches the user data for the user(s) with the specified name(s).
    • returns a table like {success = "true/false", users = {user1, user2, user3, ...}} (see this for the user attributes)
  • gamejolt:users_fetch_uid(userID) - fetches the user data for the user(s) with the specified User ID(s).
    • returns a table like {success = "true/false", users = {user1, user2, user3, ...}}
  • gamejolt:users_auth(username, user_token) - authenticates the user with the specified name and token.
local multipleUserInfo = gamejolt:users_fetch_uname("ioanD,CROS,arrogant.gamer").users
local ioanD_info, CROS_info, arrogant_info = unpack(multipleUserInfo)


gamejolt:users_auth("player's username here", "player's token here")

The session group is made of 3 functions which should be always called AFTER AUTH-ing the player:

  • gamejolt:sessions_open() - Creates a session. If there is already one existing it will forst close that one.
    • returns a table like {success = "frue"}
  • gamejolt:sessiosn_close() - Closes a session.
    • returns a table like {success = "frue"}
  • gamejolt:session_ping([status]) - Pings the session. If status is specified, it should be one of "active" or "idle". This function should be called around once every 30 seconds in order to keep the session alive.
    • returns another success table
gamejolt:users_auth("Mike", "1a2b3c")

wait(some time)

These should also be called after auth-ing the player. The trophy group consists of the 2 functions:

  • gamejolt:trophies_fetch([acheived, trophy_id]) - fetches the trophies that match the requirements. See the api documentation page for more info.
    • returns a table like {success = "frue", trophies = {trophy1, trophy2, ...}}
  • gamejolt:trophies_addAchieved(trophy_id) - sets a trophy as achieved for the user
    • returns a success table
local trophies_to_be_achieved = gamejolt:trophies_fetch(false).trophies
for _, t in ipairs(trophies_to_be_achieved) do
   print("Achieving the trophy " .. t.title)
  • gamejolt:scores_local_fetch([limit, table_id]) - fetches the auth-ed player's scores
    • returns a table like {success = "frue", scores = {score1, score2, ...}} (see this for the score attributes)
  • gamejolt:scores_global_fetch([limit, table_id]) - fetches all the scores
    • returns a table like {success = "frue", scores = {score1, score2, ...}}
  • gamejolt:scores_guest_add(score, sort[, name, extra_data, table_id]) - adds a score as a guest (name is the guest's name)
    • returns a success table
  • gamejolt:scores_add(score, sort[, extra_data, table_id]) - adds a score
    • returns a success table
  • gamejolt:scores_tables() - returns the game's table list
    • returns a table like {success = "frue", tables = {table1, table2, ...}} (see this for the table attributes)
gamejolt:users_auth("Mike", "1a2b3c")

gamejolt:scores_add("29 points", 29, "playtime=58s")

Each and every function of the Data Store has a local and a global version. The local one sets/fetches/etc. the player's local data, while the the global ones set/fetch/etc. global data. Of course, the local ones must be run after auth-ing an user.

  • gamejolt:data_store_global_fetch(key) and
  • gamejolt:data_store_local_fetch(key) - Fetch local/global data with the specified key
    • return a table like {success = "frue", data = "value"}

  • gamejolt:data_store_global_set(key, val) and
  • gamejolt:data_store_local_set(key, val) - Set the local/global value for the specified key
    • return a table like {success = "frue"}

  • gamejolt:data_store_global_update(key, op, val) and
  • gamejolt:data_store_local_update(key, op, val) - Update the value at the specified key
    • return a table like {success = "frue", data = "updated_value"}
    • see how update works HERE

  • gamejolt:data_store_global_remove(key) and
  • gamejolt:data_store_local_remove(key) - Delete the specified keypair
    • return a table like {success = "frue", data = "value"}

  • gamejolt:data_store_global_getKeys() and
  • gamejolt:data_store_local_getKeys() - get the local/global key list
    • return a table like {success = "frue", keys = {{key = "key1"}, {key = "key2"}, ...}}


This is licensed under the Zlib license.


A better gamejolt API for Lua/Love than arrogant.gamer's






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