Skin lesion segmentation on the ISIC 2017 and ISIC 2018.
- We customize an U-Net model; that we utilize the Attention-Up-and-Concate modules and the Residual skip connections instead of traditional skip connections of U-Net. We also adopt the Mean-Variance Normalization instead of using Batch Normalization. While BatchNorm could calculate windowed statistics and switch between accumulating or using fixed statistics, MVN basically centers and standardizes a batch at a time. However, MVN is utilized since it is a primary but advantageous procedure that substantially strengthen the network learning ability.
- We create a novel loss function for skin segmentation, called the Tversky-Kahneman loss function.
Number of classes
$c=2$ .$N$ pixels for prediction and$N$ pixels for ground truth labels,$P$ and$L$ be the predicted set and the ground truth set.$p_{ic}$ and$l_{ic}$ be the element of$P$ and$L$ that$i \in {1,2,...,N}$ and$c \in {0,1}; \ p_{ic} \in [0,1]; \ l_{ic} \in {0,1}$ .
The Tversky-Kahneman probability weighting function:
Inspired by this kind of function, a new loss for medical image segmentation is proposed, which is also named as Tversky-Kahneman: