- Project 1 Proposal_CouchGuardian_v1.0.pdf: Team project proposal
- Project 4-Final Project Report - thePerfect10.pdf: Final team project report
- Project 4-Final Presentation - thePerfect10.pptx: Final team project PowerPoint presentation
- Node-RED Dashboard Flows.json: Node-RED flow implemented on IBM Cloud Node-RED application to interact with IBM Watson IoT and IBM Cloudant (Apache CouchDB) database for a web-based dashboard
- src: Folder containing the Python project source codes used to interact with input/output and cloud applications. Required libraries are generally described in the comments (clone of the Github site https://github.com/Dbaston530/couch-guardian used for project development)
- YouTube Link: Final team project presentation and demonstration video
My main contributions to this team project are listed below. Please see final project report for details.
- Created and managed Node-RED HTML Dashboard functionality with Node-RED Application, Watson IoT and IBM Cloudant database
- Updated and maintained high level system architecture
- Added sound deterrent functionality to software
- Implemented headless Raspberry Pi functionality
- Github repository contributor
- Presented final prototype with live animal testing supported
- Defined Functional Requirements